Subtitle help
This forum is meant to discuss about subtitle playback problems, subtitle conversion, adding subtitles to DVDs, etc. Asking where to download subtitle files is strictly prohibited!
To cause Subtitle to pop-up, in replacement of audio for any video files (closed)
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Mellow03 |
21.09.2011 @ 19:35 by ddp |
Hardcoding Subs to avi and keeping original filesize
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doppleherz |
19.09.2011 @ 09:11 by attar |
The difference a VOB SUB and SRT and how to convert .
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AndyLaz |
13.09.2011 @ 18:25 by attar |
Vobsub 223 install and DLL problems
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jimwat1 |
13.09.2011 @ 17:18 by attar |
Adding Subtitles to different Vobs in DVDlab Pro
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WildViper |
07.09.2011 @ 02:46 by WildViper |
AVIADDxSubs Problem
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Vladdus |
02.09.2011 @ 04:08 by Vladdus |
What program can hardcode subs to 720p mp4/mkv movie?
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Mazer |
30.08.2011 @ 08:50 by Mazer |
Still need help with adding permanent sub to avi file to burn to disc
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AndyLaz |
17.08.2011 @ 01:21 by AndyLaz |
Sync Text File with Video
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druucifer |
07.08.2011 @ 06:39 by attar |
Subtitle wont show up in virualdub
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tobbert |
02.08.2011 @ 16:12 by tobbert |
Output size issue with DivXLand Media Subtitler..Pliz comment
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zooco |
31.07.2011 @ 17:17 by road25911 |
mkvmerge-Adding sub to mkv
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tobbert |
25.07.2011 @ 08:22 by tobbert |
editting implented subtitles?
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1771 |
22.07.2011 @ 16:49 by 1771 |
MPEG4 subtitles
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miconba |
22.07.2011 @ 12:24 by miconba |
Subtitles appears as symbols ?!?!
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subs92 |
16.07.2011 @ 09:40 by subs92 |
subtitles for deaf and hearing impaiired
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stibi |
10.07.2011 @ 09:21 by stibi |
Including and retaining forced subtitles
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06.07.2011 @ 09:40 by SSB |
mkv2vob converting w/ subtitles only does first 1:27
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snackrifice |
28.06.2011 @ 10:15 by snackrifice |
Need quick and rough subtitle ripping for timing only
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kblackk |
26.06.2011 @ 16:15 by attar |
Hard cocde .ass directly to video?
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ZippyDSM |
17.06.2011 @ 23:05 by ZippyDSM |
subsync not working correctly in windows 7
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kookie56 |
10.06.2011 @ 14:29 by attar |
Looking for a single software solution
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BenChambers |
05.06.2011 @ 15:08 by BenChambers |
making an AVI with virtualdub - how do I transfer subtitles?
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clmetal |
03.06.2011 @ 13:55 by attar |
how to split subtitle
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kookie56 |
13.05.2011 @ 19:37 by attar |
How to customized the sub display time in ConvertXtoDVD ?
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zooco |
13.05.2011 @ 05:46 by CAGal |
Can someone please help me with getting subtitles onto my movie?
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MakoHazrd |
10.05.2011 @ 17:09 by solomong |
Transfer Subtitles
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26.04.2011 @ 21:09 by attar |
How to turn the font of one subitle into itallics
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stibi |
26.04.2011 @ 02:23 by stibi |
How do I remvove subtuitles from a file?
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janlafata |
26.04.2011 @ 02:18 by stibi |
Play subtitles off a USB
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kopello |
20.03.2011 @ 00:26 by xboxdvl2 |
Can you change the position of subs?
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revnice1 |
14.03.2011 @ 18:21 by attar |
convert text into srt
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udarsha45 |
10.03.2011 @ 13:25 by ps355528 |
Hardcode Subs into dvd movie(vob)?
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etc1337 |
31.01.2011 @ 10:02 by attar |
Two persons' dialogue in a subtitle?
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tkmedt |
13.01.2011 @ 07:25 by tkmedt |
Applying subtitles to an .avi
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Tofuboi |
11.01.2011 @ 01:27 by tkmedt |
Re-encoding .mkv
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Ceforums12 |
31.12.2010 @ 00:39 by Ceforums12 |
Need help hard coding sub titles
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Kyomagi |
28.12.2010 @ 00:51 by Kyomagi |
yet another dvdflick subtitle not working
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bbxrider |
25.12.2010 @ 16:44 by bbxrider |
Doesn`t show correctly characters "ē,?,ū..."
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spyky |
20.12.2010 @ 08:27 by spyky |
How to translate chinese subs to english?
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adsp |
16.12.2010 @ 00:12 by adsp |