PS3 - Modding & Hacking
This forum is meant for Playstation 3 -related modding / hacking discussion only.
If your question doesn't relate to modding or hacking, but to some other PS3 related area, like the console itself, its games, PSN, etc please post your questions to our PS3 - Everything else forum instead.
Finally time to do it?
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Erdrick |
03.08.2012 @ 13:31 by bigo93 |
PS3 firmware 4.20 possible to jailbreak
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nate_09 |
02.08.2012 @ 16:00 by fauzans |
Let's bring some life back into the PS3 forum.... R.I.P. TRUE BLUE
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goyankees |
01.08.2012 @ 03:50 by goyankees |
Some great news for the PS3 scene.... maybe.... LOLOL
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goyankees |
31.07.2012 @ 03:58 by goyankees |
[Solved] Dualshock 3 controller problem
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johnye_pt |
30.07.2012 @ 07:20 by johnye_pt |
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Hex Editing
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Nalshtogirn |
27.07.2012 @ 10:22 by Nalshtogirn |
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Hex Editing
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Nalshtogirn |
27.07.2012 @ 02:09 by Nalshtogirn |
PS2 Softmod
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biki123 |
23.07.2012 @ 07:33 by biki123 |
PS3 'Super Slim' Images leaked + 3 different HDD models
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coorva |
18.07.2012 @ 17:41 by coorva |
otherOS on kmeaw 3.55 cfw?
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lemnur |
18.07.2012 @ 05:26 by lemnur |
E3 flasher Dual boot feature is finally coming, and also support PS3 True Blue now
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blomquist |
16.07.2012 @ 12:12 by datunes |
need help installing multiman on ps3 3.66
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nastykrip |
12.07.2012 @ 05:42 by lemnur |
Kmeaw download link
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bigo93 |
05.07.2012 @ 16:13 by bigo93 |
Whatup!!! (closed)
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grkblood |
03.07.2012 @ 22:30 by ddp |
Fallout New Vegas 100% Gamesave [PS3]
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dolby1 |
29.06.2012 @ 14:19 by dolby1 |
PS3 Mod Help! (NOOB)
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fharthart |
28.06.2012 @ 16:05 by fharthart |
how to jailbreak/hack PS3 4.11 or downgrade to 3.55 without installing a chip inside the PS3
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theslayor |
24.06.2012 @ 02:53 by theslayor |
E3 team new jail break methods
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biglo30 |
13.06.2012 @ 08:43 by goyankees |
PS3 phat blu ray drive problem
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giggsy07 |
11.06.2012 @ 11:15 by giggsy07 |
PS3 New package Released, add anti-counterfeit code
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shalome |
01.06.2012 @ 13:41 by Eisherz |
PS3 True Blue User Instruction
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blomquist |
31.05.2012 @ 17:44 by shalome |
PS3 4.11 Version Spoofer 2.2 for 3.55, playing PSN on V3.55
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shalome |
30.05.2012 @ 11:07 by goyankees |
New softmod and jailbreak tutorial website
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TheSoftModGuide |
30.05.2012 @ 05:19 by TheSoftModGuide |
How to use the PS3 break 2 dongle (PB2)
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shalome |
29.05.2012 @ 19:31 by bigo93 |
PS3 doesn't recognise hard drive
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noodles1210 |
27.05.2012 @ 14:57 by noodles1210 |
Psn code generator (closed)
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lpoolm |
27.05.2012 @ 14:06 by ddp |
PS3 true blue firmware has been updated to v2.7
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Alex1013 |
25.05.2012 @ 22:17 by Alex1013 |
Fifa 12 - 100% Virtual Pro (PS3)
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Gee007 |
24.05.2012 @ 11:58 by Gee007 |
a new jailbreak product: PS3break2 PB2 dongle
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Marycc |
22.05.2012 @ 23:47 by Floniary |
MLB 11 and 12 won't play on my modded ps3 v3.55
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emonro |
22.05.2012 @ 12:39 by Eisherz |
Ebootviewer for Black Ops by Pcfreak30
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Guilty_Trex |
21.05.2012 @ 01:55 by Guilty_Trex |
Need help with softmodding my ps3
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stubbur |
20.05.2012 @ 17:21 by shalome |
I cant afford to buy anything else for my PS3, but i will not accept games.
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Codename_-007-_ |
18.05.2012 @ 11:59 by bigo93 |
n00b with PS3 slim, 4.10, need a clue
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spystyle |
12.05.2012 @ 14:56 by shalome |
Putting PS3 games on the PS3s HDD??
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cushphil |
12.05.2012 @ 14:50 by shalome |
put copyrighted save file on my ps3 4.11?
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ssjhippykiller |
05.05.2012 @ 16:28 by shalome |
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ponyboy10 |
04.05.2012 @ 19:43 by shalome |
Is there anyway to get backups that require a firmware above 3.55 to work?
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angeteen |
02.05.2012 @ 16:55 by tongs007 |
TxMuxer and my MKV to M2TS problem.
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Airoch |
02.05.2012 @ 07:55 by mocarob |
"New Style" MKV to Blu Ray
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Merkley |
02.05.2012 @ 07:41 by mocarob |