Ok so for the last year we've enjoyed our reciever even though our last onkyo gave us the headache from hell, but this one seems to be great...until yesterday. My nephew not only messed up my xbox but he wanted to play with it in our room so he took it out and when I put it back in living room (where our onkyo is) the video on our tv just shut off completely.
Ok so this is what is going on. I already did a factory reset, setup the speakers again. Now we have an HTPC which you can see and hear just fine which is on hdmi input 1, but my xbox, ps3, wii do not show up at all. But its just the game consoles that dont work. I tried putting the xbox on hdmi (which my htpc works on) with the same cable and nothing, same with the ps3 and still the same thing. I hooked up the game consoles sepereatly to the tv and the show up just fine.
We have a 3 year warranty but I was hoping maybe it could be something in the reciever setup that I over looked?
Any thoughts would be great, I know the last time we sent in our reciever I got it back in 2 months so I am really hoping to avoid that.
on the onkyo amp i found a bit of a hassle with so many things connected ,start from scratch,get a pen and paper and start connecting one at a time taking note of what cable is used for what,if everything is hdmi ok but some things maybe phonos or other connection.
each unit has to set to work on its own connection in the onkyo menu you cannot have a hdmi on 1 and component on 1 as you need to assign each unit its own path.most connection i think are set to off so you need to tell the onkyo what feed is going to be used component,optical/digital etc.
dont know xbox but are settings correct on that to use hdmi or was something else used before.have you tried another cable?
Yes the only thing I thought was that maybe MAYBE the new dashboard update for xbox has 3d display settings, but I disabled those and tried various settings. After hours of struggling I got "No signal" from every hdmi input except my htpc, I had this problem before and it was the hdmi board, I just thought maybe there was a chance it could be something in the settings, but guess not.
I have a 3 year warranty with sears where I bought it and I called them today and they said they cover parts and labor so I will let them worry about it now.