Hello Guys,
Wasn't sure if i put this in the right place but here it goes...
I was wondering whether there is an operating system i can install on a laptop or pc, that would look and behave like a smart TV.
The idea is to have the ability to use you-tube and Netflix and also have the ability to connect DLNA compatible devices so i can download videos on my phone or use videos i have recorded on my phone and play on the the TV over the network.
Maybe have the possibility of installing a TV card, Bluetooth and a wireless keyboard and mouse and connect this machine to the the internet and kind of have it hidden around the TV somewhere.
Reason for this is so that i don't have anything unnecessary on the machine and it is a clear to use icon system like for example the way Samsung smart TVs are set up.
Is there an operating system like this anywhere?
preferably i would like to even be able to install such an operating system on my portable hard drive and run from that so there is more space, i would also like the ability to download films to this device as well, I have heard there is things out there but im not sure i would go about finding them.
The TV i am proposing using is just a cheap technika 40-270, tesco bought tv.
it has its own usb port and the ability to upgrade its software via that but an even better option would be if i could replace its own software with a smart tv type software and use a wifi dongle but am not sure it would house the correct hardware requirements?
anyone else tried tried this before?
thanks for any help on this project it would be much appreciated.
It took God six days to create the Heavens and the Earth...and Monty Python ninety minutes to screw it up!
