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Ripping tv series, splitting up files.
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1. October 2010 @ 07:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all.

I have a few tv series dvd's of mine.

I want to rip them to my pc hard drive, and then put them on a usb. I then want to transfer them to my playstation 3 to be able to play.

Each disc has 4 episodes on it, and I'd like to be able to keep those episodes split up when I rip it. I dont want any of those vts_01 and all that, if possible.

Is their a program that rips the disc to the hard drive and splits up each episode, for example:
Episode 1 700mb
Episode 2 700mb
Episode 3 700mb
Episode 4 700mb.

Im not sure if this can be done, but I hope so.

thankyou all.
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1. October 2010 @ 23:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey I have been playing with a great piece of software called WinXDVD Ripper. It's free. I have been singing its praise everywhere I have seen that it can help. To use it all you would have to do is watch the dvd like in Windows media and find the start and ending time of each episode. So for example open the DVD on your Windows media player (or whatever player you use), and write down the start and stop time of each episode. The time on it will be beginning and then if it ends at 32 minutes 12 seconds write that down. The Second episode starts at exactly 32 minutes and 15 seconds and ends at 1hour 5 minutes. Write it down. Continue on so forth and so till you have all the start and stop times written down for each esisode. Now this is where you will rip and split. Open WinX DVD Ripper. On the opening page click open disc. The next screen pops up and you will see up at the top of the window it has several columns with title info, video audio subtitle, duration, and output. Below that you will see a few things in a box titled output settings. See the box that says start time? Leave it at beginning for the first episode. Remember what time you wrote down for the end of the first episode? Type it into the end time. The format is HH:MM:SS hours minutes seconds. The bottom row of tabs is for setting what output format the video will be in. I don't know what a PS3 will play so you may have to figure that one out on your own. Choose the audio format, quality, and sample rate. The box below that is for the video quality. You may have to ask someone else for some help with that part because I am still working on choosing the best settings myself. For burning to a dvd I choose MPEG with a quality of 5000 kbps for good video. But anyway after the frist episode close the program, reopen it, and start over but this time change the start time and stop time to the correct settings for episode two then repeat until you have them all ripped. I know this was long and I imagine there are better ways but this is the way I know it will work. > forums > digital video > convert dvd to another format > ripping tv series, splitting up files.

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