ok so first off im going to tell you what i have
One of the first Slim model ps2s
(not sure which one but it has both a dial up and ethernet in the back if that helps, and i think the box i got it in was yellow, got it back when they first came out too)
maxmemory 16mb memory card
noobie install of FMCB from sksapps
and a 1 gig usb stick, also tried a 2gig memstick in my ps2
ok so i cant realy find a guide for installing it with the codebreaker, but through google ive found tons of people whit several differnet problems, mine is that everything is hooked up, usb stick if formatted to FAT32 and i loaded the files onto it and poped it in the ps2, i load up the CB9 and go to device manager, and hit the picture of a thumb drive and its reading it, and nothing comes up, now on the drive thing, i have the install folder and the fmcb.elf file
hopefully thats enough info, if not i can find out more, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and just kinda wanna know what im doing wrong here, or if someone could lead me to a codebreaker install tutorial, that would also be greatly apreciated
ok so i tried searching the internet more and found that i had to have a phat ps2 for the codebreaker install to work, so i went to my friends house the other nite and the samething happend,should i just buy a swap magic :(