GameShark 2 CogSwap help?
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15. December 2009 @ 09:49 |
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Okay, so I followed a guide to make the CogSwapLoader, I used gameshark 2 v1.3 to copy to mc, then I resetted the PS2, put in the PSX and triggered it. I clicked Square and it prompted me to the CogSwapLoader. I continued to eject the cd, and put a PS2 cd, then when it said PS2 DVD ROM, I clicked X and when it said Use CogSwap, I used a slide tool to take it and replace it with my dvd rom. When I locked it, Iclicked X and it turned black and did nothing else.
CAn I have some help why this had happened?
AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2009 @ 12:03 |
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If your playing a PS2 DVD backup, then you first need to insert an Original PS2 DVD game, not a PS2 CD
-boot up Cogswap
-place a PS2 disc in the tray
-wait til it displays the disc type
-press O button for CD or X button for DVD
-wait til it says "use cogswap"
-then use a slide card (fat ps2) or sensor mod (Slim ps2) to swap out the game disc for your backup disc.
-press X to play the disc
If you are able to do this exploit, you should just install fmcb 1.8 to your memory card
Then you wouldn't have to keep doing the Insert PS1 game
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. December 2009 @ 12:04
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15. December 2009 @ 17:52 |
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I did put in a original PS2 DVD game, sorry I wasn't more specific.
I put in Tekken 4, and I got all the way to where you say "press X to play the disc". When I click X, the screen turns black and nothing else happens.
I don't know what to do after that, maybe it's the way i'm burning it? I use DVD encryptor or w/e it's called, and I wrote it at MAX speed.
AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2009 @ 19:33 |
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Ok, try burning it at 4x and see if it works then.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
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15. December 2009 @ 19:46 |
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Okay, I will do that right now, and i'll respond back with the answer.
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15. December 2009 @ 20:19 |
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Very sorry for the double post, but it burned perfectly!
I just burned Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 (NTSC) and it was going through perfectly until it got near the title screen, and it froze.
If I put it at 8x (half of 16x on the disc), Will it get rid of it or is it based on software wise?
AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2009 @ 20:40 |
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It might. A lot of the factor is your burner and the brand/speed of discs your using.
You can try it at 8x and see.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
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15. December 2009 @ 20:44 |
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I'm using the brand Memorex, that might be the problem.
AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2009 @ 21:13 |
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It might be. It is considered crap media, although some people use it for PS2 games anyway.
I have mostly used Sony DVD-R
Verbatim, Taeyo Yuden are the recommended
But you can try 8x anyway seeing you have them and see if that makes any difference or not.
My consoles: Nintendo64>Dreamcast aug/99>PS2 V7-Seagate 400gb hdd-Maxtor 300gb hdd,PS2 V14 FMCB 1.8 - Memor32 >V18 SM 3.6 >DS-Lite-G6DS Real 16GB-R4DS Ultra 8gb SDHC>Gamecube-Original>Wii-Wiikey 2>PSP PHAT CFW 5.00 M33-6>DSi (Kingdom Hearts Edition)-EZ Flash Vi - M3i Zero Sakura>Kindom Hearts:Birth by Sleep PSP 3000>PS3 80GB. WiiU PS4 XBOXONE 3DSNDS
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15. December 2009 @ 21:24 |
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No difference.
I might try Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5 and KillZone and see what difference it makes. I'll contact you for any problems I have. :)
thanks for helping out.