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Installing elf files
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21. April 2012 @ 21:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a PS2 Fat with Matrix Infinity modchip, and a Maxtor HDD I just installed. I have ulaunch.elf HDloader, and hdl dump I wish to install, after having HDLoader format the HDD.

I was hoping I could use these with a USB Stick, but the Matrix Infinity Manager only gives options to install things on a memory card, so I'm a bit stuck and have no clue what I'm doing. Could someone help me?
24. April 2012 @ 01:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its supposed to install those to your memory card theyre pretty small programs and if it takes up to much space just get a second memorycard for gamesaves thats what i do. if you had a more expensive chip it would of had a onchip flash memory to put those files instead of on the memory card. > forums > consoles > ps2 - hardware boot discussion > installing elf files

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