Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to install free mcboot on my PS2 (SCPH-77004) for a while,
my first memory stick was a Kingston and that didn't work with SM,
it just crashed on the SM splash screen (ver.3.6) so then I took a different,
albeit cheap memory stick that seemed to work, I got onto the free mcboot via uLE by selecting mass and then Free Mcboot.elf, then selected normal install, didn't work;
crashed after choosing slot one memory stick and saying ok to install, the screen just
went sort of greyish and stayed there. Same for Multiple install. So then, I of course realised that I hadn't formatted the mem.stick to FAT32, so I did that but still exactly the same outcomes. So now I am officially stuck...
The files on the stick are:
The memory stick is 992MB with a total used space of 1.05MB.
Thanks for your help,
Found a way to get round this, I put the files and folders from
the newbie package onto the root of my psp's magicgate drive and
then plugged it into the ps2 using a mini usb to usb cable once the SM
disk had loaded. I then clicked L1+Up on the Dpad and i was able to
navigate to Free Mcboot using the uLE, it installed perfectly :)