hi,i have a ps2 console which i succesfully used to install free mcboot 1.8 on my memory card,
i used the nobie package to install.
the problem is that i am unable to play any games which are on my hard drive 40gb external,or even
games which i put on my usb stick.the games do work because i tried them using my friends ps2 which
he also uses with free mcboot 1.8.when i plug in my hard drive and i try to boot using esr it brings
a white
screen with three tabs, Launch Dvd , Launch App , Launch opsys.and i think four more tabs below the
three which i have mentioned.the last tab on the bottom of my screen shows no media in drive.I once read
the post by Joat which if i remember very well was a reply to Kyther which was dated 27th october 2010 posted around 5:03 which explained a similar scenario if not the same.
i am kind of stuck even when
i try to use Hd loader it gives me a reply saying hardware error.
i am 100 percent sure that the games on my external hard drive work and i know i succesfully installed free mcboot 1.8
on my memory card,but i just cant get to play any games that i put on my hard drive or even the usb.can somebody please help me with my problem