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Need help with FreeMCBOOT 1.8
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Junior Member
19. October 2010 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok heres the deal i have got Free McBoot 1.8 installed on my memory card no problem that was the easy part now heres the issue i cant get it to play the backups of my games there seems to be an issue everything says to use the ESR.ELF thats when it all goes black an no further, is there patching involved or maybe a certain disc to use even a different way i have to boot the disc i have ESR.elf 9beta , ive tried on both my ps2 slim and fat one but to no avail. tried two type of DVDs as well Sony DVD+R and HP DVD+R or do i need DVD-R discs, any help would be greatly appreciated ive been racking my brain trying to get this figured out

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
Junior Member
20. October 2010 @ 12:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you do have to patch the games with esr disc patcher for esr to recognize it as a ps2 game. im not sure about the disc types but i use dvd-r without any problems.
Junior Member
20. October 2010 @ 20:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
any idea where i can find ps2 patches because i havent the foggiest clue

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
Junior Member
21. October 2010 @ 09:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you dont need patches for specific games normally. i'm at work now so i don't have access to the links. but you just need to google esr disc patcher. when you have it downloaded just hit patch browse for the iso, the it normally doesn't take a full second to complete. once thats done, burn go to esr program on ps2 put in disc the have fun.
Junior Member
21. October 2010 @ 21:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dravn8004 thank you so much thats exactly what i needed its working with out any problems Kudos to you this is the reason i come to this site because if i cant figure it out myself someone else has the answer, no matter where i looked i never once came across that anywhere so thank you so much you made my day. I hope this will come in handy for anyone else who may havee the same problem

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2010 @ 21:03

21. October 2010 @ 22:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
[Edited because when transferred from notepad to the forums it was breaking paragraphs, as well as double and triple spacing lines.]

[My apologies for being late. I've had this in notepad for most of the day, but my computer has been lagging a lot today, it's probably being over-worked.]

Hi ,

I just got into the home-brew world a shot while ago (1-2 years), and I had a ton of questions as well as problems. Thanks to Google, AfterDawn, and a handful of other resources I have been able to do nearly anything I attempt without have to ask for help. I will tell you in advance though, it is a lot of reading. Anyway. You need a patcher program, so I have given download links to a few patchers below along with screen-shots and hashes.

Image hosting provided by
File hosting provided by

I highly recommend using SkipScreen

for Mozilla FireFox as it will greatly

improve your downloading experience.

will nearly automate the

download process for you.

ESR Patcher GUI v0.24a

File: ESR Disc Patcher GUI v0.24a.7z
Size: 158783 bytes
MD5: F4B778FA9E7A0ABEB497BB8466A98336
SHA1: C1AF400703E58A24742C52C5926A91BC18473CBF

ESR Patcher Java v0.2.3

File: ESR Patcher Java v0.2.3.7z
Size: 42651 bytes
MD5: 2898EA776479DA50AB9B53DFB97582C3
SHA1: 325A5D3354C202ED8A11FB492F1DC374FF71DE56
CRC32: 6C198DD2

ESR Patcher Java v0.2.4

File: ESR Patcher Java v0.2.4.7z
Size: 42684 bytes
MD5: 970BAA837F87A80A5263D0F999203108
SHA1: 5D003B586D63364AF7BF4C9E9A4C33DF860B6F99


%20Pro.7zESR Patcher Pro[/url]




File: ESR Patcher Pro.7z
Size: 38077 bytes
MD5: B21677A347F15DF9D9DA1E09642B9F3B
SHA1: A7E43306FED72613837666F60379683899805C6F
CRC32: 7C49DDD8

OS-X ESR Disc Patcher 0.24
No images available as I do not have a Mac set up.
File: OS-X ESR Disc Patcher 0.24.7z
Size: 49357 bytes
MD5: 6C9909F66D109A5C3ED8773EC0E44CE1
SHA1: D3439976263F0BCD6317BA13E735BCF458921B71
CRC32: 5BC608A4

Hash v1.04
File: Hash.exe
Size: 29184 bytes
File Version: 1, 0, 4, 0
MD5: 5ED9D3341034C227B46A2B393B1B70BD
SHA1: 118444E07183A56D77F9B629035CF1015AF5F07B
CRC32: 26DA84E4

File: Hash.7z
Size: 13614 bytes
MD5: 68D7F5048A80A0EC6387D9647EE6BF5C
SHA1: 73460FA675B2CF15E47E66A07081020C63C0CE60
CRC32: 36AB49E0


Special Thanks to the entire Home-Brew community.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2010 @ 22:24

Junior Member
21. October 2010 @ 22:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only irritation i have now is that it brings up ulaunch after ESR boots and makes me search for the disc before it will boot it, any ideas on this one guys cause id like to have it just boot through ESR straight to the game

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
24. October 2010 @ 10:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you install FMCB & ESR individually, or did you use the noobieackage? I only ask because I put the noobie package on my card when I was first learning about soft-modding. When I start my PS2 it will pull up the modified browser menu, but as soon as I put in an ESR patched game it will automatically read it and load ESR. From there all I have to do is make it start.

Just so I'm 100% positive that I understand your issue however, please let me know if this is correct. When you turn on your PS2 it loads the modified browser, then when you put a game it it will load ESR and then uLE (uLaunchELF) comes up and you have to search for your disc before you may play.

I had some issues with loading things and uLE popping up, but I don't remember how I fixed it. My PS2 is at my cousin's house right now, but I'll be going to get it here in an hour or so. When I get back with it, I will mess with it until I can create the same scenario you are having.

Junior Member
24. October 2010 @ 12:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ya it boots into the ULE after the ESR boot screen and i have to do the file browser go into cdfs then down to the SLES_102.11 and click it to boot the game each one of those number is different for each game but thats just an example to give in my discription
id like it to just boot into the game and bypass the Ulaunch my brother uses it and isnt very electronicly literate thats the biggest reason i want it to just boot

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. October 2010 @ 12:37

Junior Member
25. October 2010 @ 08:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
are you making sure you select launch dvd and not launch app. if you select launch app it takes you to ulaunch, if you select launch dvd at least on mine it starts the game.
Junior Member
25. October 2010 @ 19:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i know this may sound stupid but how do i set it to launch dvd exactly i dont really see any options for that the way i boot ESR is holding R2 to boot it

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
Junior Member
26. October 2010 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the way i boot it is i have the noobie package of free mcboot installed on my memory card. when the ps2 boots up instead of the standard menu it has a special free mcboot menu where you can select the apps on your memory card such as hdloader, sms, and esr. i go to esr and it opens up the program at the top of the program it has 3 tabs which say launch dvd, launch app, and launch opsys. if i choose launch dvd it starts the dvd in the tray. if i start launch app it takes me straight to ulaunch. also if i start the ps2 with a esr patched game in the disc tray, if i dont do anything it automatically opens the esr program. this is great for the usb version of snes station because you have to have a game in the tray to access the save features. that way i just go to launch app browse to the usb drive and start the snes elf.
Junior Member
26. October 2010 @ 14:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What version of ESR do you use? im using 9beta and i havent seen anything related to the 3 tabs you speak of?

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
Junior Member
26. October 2010 @ 16:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'll check when i get home and re-edit this post as soon as find out for you.
27. October 2010 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use ESR Beta r9b. It works exactly as dravn8004 stated. That is what I was trying to explain in my last post, but being as I did not have my PS2 with me I could not remember what the tab labels were. By the sounds of things, it seems like you have the same setup as dravn8004 and I do. My best guess is that something may not be properly configured.

Click here for detailed information on ESR Beta r9b.

Here is a screen shot of ESR Public Beta r9b GUI.

Junior Member
27. October 2010 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You guys are helping me out tons and i really appreciate it but i dont have that screen Joat ill ddo some research and see if maybe i got the wrong files or somethingim no noob when it comes to modding or anything just when it comes to the ps2 exploiting, if you have any ideas let me know an if i figure it out ill let you guys know

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
Junior Member
27. October 2010 @ 22:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i figured out my flaw i was using the ESR Memory Card.elf not ESR Direct DVD.ELF also i found out that i hadnt downloaded the the final version available every thing boots with no problem now thanks for the help guys really appreciate it

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
11. November 2010 @ 16:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
at the website it says that you can Install Free McBoot from a CD. can install free mcboot from a dvd?

9. January 2011 @ 07:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by JOAT:
I use ESR Beta r9b. It works exactly as dravn8004 stated. That is what I was trying to explain in my last post, but being as I did not have my PS2 with me I could not remember what the tab labels were. By the sounds of things, it seems like you have the same setup as dravn8004 and I do. My best guess is that something may not be properly configured.

Click here for detailed information on ESR Beta r9b.

Here is a screen shot of ESR Public Beta r9b GUI.

hi,am sorry to come in this way,but i am having the same problem like you have put it,the same image comes up when i open esr.and when i click launcapp so as to start playing my games which are on the hard drive (installed with usb extreme no problem with that),it gives me a black screen,when i click on osdsym it takes me back to the modified browser.

kindly Help.

Thanx in advance,Kasper23

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. January 2011 @ 07:37

Junior Member
9. January 2011 @ 13:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if i remember properly esr is only for disc backups you need a different program on your mem card to launch games savedonto the hdd atleast thats how i got mine to work anyways i cant recall the name of it google is your best friend if i remember ill update this post

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
10. January 2011 @ 05:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What about the problem illustrated by JOAT,when i start my ps2 it loads free mcboot successfully and brings the modified browser.when i select esr it brings the exact screen as Joat is saying,and when it does i am stuck not knowing what to do,when i choose LAUNCAPP it brings a black screen,when i choose OSDSYM it bings me back to the menu. can someone please help.

10. January 2011 @ 06:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What about the problem illustrated by JOAT,when i start my ps2 it loads free mcboot successfully and brings the modified browser.when i select esr it brings the exact screen as Joat is saying,and when it does i am stuck not knowing what to do,when i choose LAUNCAPP it brings a black screen,when i choose OSDSYM it bings me back to the menu. can someone please help.

Junior Member
10. January 2011 @ 11:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if your trying to boot a game from a hdd why dont you just launch the appropriate application from the free mcboot main menu unless you didnt add it to your files when modifying your memory card

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
11. January 2011 @ 09:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That is my worry,i dont know if i have to add opl and usb advance to my application folder before installing free mcboot,i have tried copying opl from my flash stick after a successful install but still in vain.
Junior Member
11. January 2011 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i added everything to my install folder then did the mod everything worked out fine for me so you may want to try it that wayfirst

Xbox v1.4-UnleashX 39.0528A-80gb HDD
PSP God of War edition-CFW 5.00 M33-6
PS2-McBoot 1.8-500GB External
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