I've had troubles with saving games to my 64mb official sony memory card that's loaded with Free MCBoot.
For example, when starting up Persona 4, I will have to constantly go into "Load Game" at the title screen where it goes "No memory card (PS2) inserted in slot 1" before it eventually reads it and I can load.
Once it loads the first time, it's all good till I turn the machine off and go to play it the next day.
I've had problems with Star Ocean 3 and Soul Nomad too.
So my question is, is this related to the fact that it's a backed up game (ESR), that there is FMCB on the card, or that it's an extended memory type card (I had one of those 120 slot PS1 cards back in the day that caused me NO end of trouble that I never had with my official sony 15 slot)?
Moreover, is there anyway to fix it? Does anyone else have this problem?
I haven't yet tried it with an original game disc, I guess that would be a good idea to try that out.
And also, I don't have any other memory card to save on, only this. Am I gonna have to be buying a new one to stop this annoying behavior?
It came in official looking packaging (The yellow cardboard backing type) with sony plastered all over the place. The card looks official in every way, with sony printed and molded into it in places.
Stupid thing!
It does say made in china though, althoguh I figured sony probably did that anyhow.
Thanks for the help mate, I'll look into getting a new card maybe cos this is really annoying me. Unless this uLe thing lets me save directly to the USB?