Hi, I've been having a crap load of problems ever since I first got swap magic.
Here are some of them. I have a Slim V9 I believe.
- Half of the time the discs read
- I have to push down HARD to make them stay in place or they will flip out.
- I managed to get a few backups working a few months ago. And now none works.
- I recently burned a backup on a Verbatim 8X DVD-R. I burned an .mds file and an .iso file. I wasn't sure which one to use because I haven't done it in a while.
For some reason, the backups on my older memorex dvd+rw work and the verbatim 8x dvd-r do not. I'm very confused.
Can anyone give me some insight on what the hell is happening? Do I burn .mds or .iso? Why are the memorex working and Verbatim aren't? Why does swap magic only work half the time?
Info on cleaning your laser, don't adjust pots as its only going to help for awhile. Just check the cleaning. I use Rubbing Alcohol and a q-tip. Clean it in a circular motion for about 30 secs. Then using dry end , dry it for about same time in same manner.
PowerISO is not for PS2 backups as far as I am concerned.
Use imgburn, its free. UltraISO however, the newer versions is ok to use if thats all you have and wish to use it.
When you have an .mds and an .ISO file, you burn the ISO file.
The .mds is really only needed for dual layer games.
Imgburn will recognize the .ISO image though if you select the .mds file, or it will select it for you.
Other programs may not.
Ok I'm tearing my eyeballs out. I have SM 3.8 coder, I've burnt a million dvd r's and cd rs trying to get ulanchelf to work. I've made my own ISO's and used others. for some reason it's not loading. I tried loading it from a usb drive too. All that happens is my screen goes blank and freezes when i boot it from usb.. I finally got a cd to do the same thing by buring an iso onto it. I don't know if swap magic is broken or if I'm just missing something but it should load.... I have a SCPH 77001 , and i'm using magic switch. I have the tools installed correctly unless i need to open it up and use the one that goes on the inside instead of the one that goes on the hinge. Should swap magic be able to play international movies too?? I'm a newbie to uLaunchelf but I catch on quickly...but this I just cant figure out. I'm debating going to the store and getting some import just to see if the Darn SM works... a little help please all I want to do is Start up ulaunchelf on my ps2. :)
FINALY!!!!!!!!!!! THANK you soooo much. it wroks. I don't know why...i've checked it several times and the image i donloaded is identical to several i've made....but I don't care it works.
And I figured out my problem...the bin file was zipped on the 4.40 I downloaded, I unzipped it and remade the iso and it works fine now too....sigh. But thanks all my roms and other emulation works too. :)