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Battlefront 2 BSOD System.CNF
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3. March 2011 @ 13:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I realise that this is a question that has been asked on this forum as well as others, countless times. but it seems like no matter what I do, I can't get my copy of Star Wars Battlefront 2 to work with HDloader (have tried version 8b and 8c). I have changed the system.cnf file to read

BOOT2 = cdrom0:\SWBFRNT2.ELF;1
VER = 1.01

And used winhiip to transfer the iso over to the PS2 HDD, setting SWBFRNT2.ELF as the boot point, and still nothing. Have tested using all three modes in every combination I can think of( Mode 1, Mode 1+3, Mode 3 Mode 1+2+3 etc...) I also tried ripping the ISO using both my PS2 and my computer, even following this thread post #8 to the T word for word, program for program with what it said, and no dice (which for some reason still gave me an ISO that was 4.4Gigs or so instead of the shrinked 2.5)

Just FYI: I'm using a FAT PS2
Console: SCPH-30001
Browser: 1.20
CDPlayer: 1.20
Playstation Driver 1.10
DVDPlayer: 1.30U

If there is possibly any more information that I can give to you, just tell me. Thank you so very much for anyone who answers. > forums > consoles > ps2 - dvd backup discussion > battlefront 2 bsod system.cnf

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