Hey! I'd like some help with a problem of mine please. I've read around and found out that some other people have had a similar problem to mine, but i dont quite understand their resolutions.
I'm trying to make a Backup for my game PS2 Game Ico. I obtained the iso, patched it NTSC, and to ESR then burned it to a 4.7 Gig DVD RW. When i load it into my PS2 Slim, the ESR Logo shows up like its supposed to, then a Pink screen followed by a light blue one pops up. After that, it's just blank, and i dont know whats going on. After being told that it was a PS2 CD, It's been converted to a PS2 dvd one, which didnt change anything. I've done the same process for the Shadow of the Colosus, and it works absolutely fine...and before this, i patched ICO it into a PAL fomarted Iso and it worked too. The only downfall was that it had no color and it scrolled up and down on the screen in a seemingly infinite loop.
I've looked around the forum for anything similar and couldn't find anything...so i dont think I'm double posting or anything. Hopefully here, i'll find a solution i can understand...
If those don't work u could try smartbuy discs, but with all discs make sure the surface is completely vacant that is no dust or anything whatsoever, ok.