There is a shop in my country where u sell ps2 games for ridiculously low prices and I know how to back them up. So it's a win win situation for me.
But there is a problem. I play my backed up ps2 games in my ps3. The problem is, many of these games are old and I played them my non hacked ps2. I wanna save my saves before I give my games.
So what should I do? Is there a way to transfer my saves on my ps3, or should I mod my ps2 to play backups and how?
Keep in mind that I'd gain about 40-80(if I'm very lucky) euros from this transaction, which about the price of a ps3 game. Is it worth the money and the hassle to sell my games? Meaning, will I spend less money than I'll gain and will the process, whatever it is, be worth the trouble?
Plz help me, I am in ISO hell these days and I wanna sell these games ASAP, cause the older they get the less I can sell them for...
Idk how to make a memory card with free vast in it...
I had found a video that said I could just unscrew the bottom of my ps2 and cut a card in a certain way. It's free and easy, I'll try that, I think.