The hard drive in my Xbox is dying, and I'm trying to replace it. I did backup the eeprom.bin, but it's still on the drive. The hard drive still functions, but under heavy load it stops working. Is there any way to copy over the eeprom.bin file with xboxhdm, while connected to the computer?
I dont know if xboxhdm can do that or not if it can im sure you have to unlock the driver and then open it up to get to the files or you can just use ftp to get it dont need any ftp software either just use your internet broweser type ftp://xbox:xbox@ this depends if user and password are still at default and if the ip is set to that aswell and if those are right then should work if doesnt then try ftp://xbox:xbox@, 21 being the port is either : or / dont remember
or you can just use the file broweser with softmodded xbox located the file and copy it over to a memory card or usb storage device and then get it off of that using xplorer360 since pc wont read fatx devices
I hooked up the hard drive to my Windows XP machine, and tried to read it through xplorer360. Xplorer360 couldn't find a FatX drive. I didn't try unlocking the drive first, cause the only way I know how to is through hot swapping the EIDE cables. I actually did the hot swap past the BIOS post, with Linux already started. I don't know if I could do the same thing with Windows XP.
If the eeprom.bin can't be extracted, then is there anyway to recreate it? If not, then can anyone recommend me a cheap Xbox mod chip? I don't care if I have to solder either.
did you try to ftp the file out while having the xbox running the softmod just or if you got a memory card use the file broweser to locate it and copy it over to a memory card, and i have noticed that about the fatxdrive some reason it doesnt show up when but memory cards do i think the drive has to be unlocked although i never used it with a drive before so couldnt tell ya, but i believe i did see a program that can recreate a eeprom it was called config magic
easiest way would to ftp it out or the copying it to memory card or usb device with the help of a usb to xbox dongle hack which is very easy to do just have to expose the wires on the controller have a spare usb cable around or pick one up from dollar store like i did cut it half and keep the female end and just wire the wires together usuaslly its straight up like black to black red to red only wire that doesnt get used is the yellow if it doesnt work first time then probably have the wires on wrong ones. after you get it working can plug a usb device into it and then save the eeprom into that with the file browser or manager and then use xplorer360 to open that usb drive since it will be formatted to the xbox fatx when plugged into it so make sure you dont have any files on it cause they will be deleted by the xbox
Originally posted by newhelper: did you try to ftp the file out while having the xbox running the softmod just or if you got a memory card use the file broweser to locate it and copy it over to a memory card,
It was already soft modded, but the drive corrupted data and couldn't boot. Then I used Xboxhdm to try and restore the drive back to normal, and then install the softmod after wards. I was successful at restoring it, but during the installation of the softmod it stopped working. I heard the hard drive make a click noise before it froze. The good news is that I did back up the eeprom.bin, but the bad news is that it won't boot and I get that famous error screen.
Quote: and i have noticed that about the fatxdrive some reason it doesnt show up when but memory cards do i think the drive has to be unlocked although i never used it with a drive before so couldnt tell ya, but i believe i did see a program that can recreate a eeprom it was called config magic
That program needs a modded Xbox I believe. I'm not sure, but that's what I gather from its description.
Quote: easiest way would to ftp it out or the copying it to memory card or usb device with the help of a usb to xbox dongle hack which is very easy to do just have to expose the wires on the controller have a spare usb cable around or pick one up from dollar store like i did cut it half and keep the female end and just wire the wires together usuaslly its straight up like black to black red to red only wire that doesnt get used is the yellow if it doesnt work first time then probably have the wires on wrong ones. after you get it working can plug a usb device into it and then save the eeprom into that with the file browser or manager and then use xplorer360 to open that usb drive since it will be formatted to the xbox fatx when plugged into it so make sure you dont have any files on it cause they will be deleted by the xbox
Thanks, sounds easy enough. I already made a USB to XBOX controller adapter, so following this should be easy enough.
I did find a program called LifeInfo, which is said to be able to read a Xbox HD. I think it maybe able to unlock the drive without needing to be plugged into the Xbox. I'll give it a try tomorrow.
I have it fixed and the hard drive is replaced. After many frustrating attempts, I just restored the original HD again with Xboxhdm, and then started up the softmod and backed up the eeprom.bin. Didn't bother installing it, and just FTP right into the machine, since the installer is really UnleashX.
BTW, is there anything better then UnleashX? I know I could use XBMC, but I still prefer UnleashX.
unleashx is a solid dash.. unlike xbmc which is at best a buggy application
stick with unleash .. if you play a lot of games you are better off with evox .. especially with a lot of out of region games.. unleash and others don't have the config settings to deal with some.. ;)
shows how much some people know.. what RETARD suggested using config magic? .. guaranteed way to make a total fuck up of everything!!!! DO NOT USE CONFIG MAGIC .. never ever ever!!!!!
I don't really use the Xbox to play Xbox games, but mainly for emulators and XBMC. Only a few games I play with on Xbox, like MvsC2 and Halo2.
Too bad I had Evox installed first, then went back to UnleashX. Oh well, I've always had Unleash. Now I gotta replace the 40pin cable with an 80pin, since I've been meaning to do that for 9 years. LoL