I'm completely new to the world of soldering, so please be kind!!
Have received my xecuter LT switch, but before I get down to the nitty gritty I've been practising on an old broken Hitachi drive I had lying around. Just a few questions:
1. I've now learned to cut traces with exacto knife and test with multimeter for continuity. Prior to cutting I test and get a result of 0.002 (ish). After cutting, usually its 1, but the odd time I get the likes of 650 or 1500 or something. Is this normal, and are the traces cut right?
2. I've bought a fibre glass pen, and am pretty good at cleaning the area around the pins. However, I've also been trying to scrape the green bubble round the pin away with one of those tiny flat head screwdrivers, and it looks OK. Would this do as good a job as the FG pen?
3. Been reading up a lot on soldering PCBs. It looks to me like the bit to heat would be the little metal semi cirle bit round the edge at the pin points on the LT switch. Does that sound fair enough?
The website says this is 60:40 flux covered. However, I've been reading that the best thing to use is rosin core solder. I know this sounds dim, but is that what this solder is? If not I can easily go to Maplins and get more.
Any other tips (however obvious they may sound) would be really appreciated.
Really appreciate all your help guys - hopefully by this time in a few days I'll no longer be a solder virgin!!