FlashFXP Problem Please Help!
24. November 2009 @ 20:15 |
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Ok so I have just had someone mod my Xbox for me. I have sucessfully transferred all my NES, SNES and N64 roms to my Xbox through FlashFXP. However when I got to my Genesis roms it started giving me problems. I can transfer the first 20 or so roms just fine and then after that it says every rom after that fails. I have no idea what's going on. Do you guys have any ideas? It doesn't matter which roms I try. I can start from the top, bottom, or middle of the list of roms and FlashFXP will only transfer about 20ish roms. What's going on?
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24. November 2009 @ 23:36 |
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long filenames and/or illegal characters
24. November 2009 @ 23:47 |
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Nope. If it was something that easy to fix I wouldn't be here asking lol. Again it doesn't matter what rom I try after the first 20. They could only be 7 letters long and won't transfer. The only thing I could think of is maybe the hard drive is full? But it's 320GB so I doubt that's the case. How do you check a modded Xbox for how much space is used/left available?
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25. November 2009 @ 00:25 |
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It should say on the dash... depending which one you are using.. try switching to evox and looking at a few skins.
flashfxp is an awful program.. gave me nothing but trouble.. filezilla does a good job, but my fave for windoze was ws_ftp pro.
could be the drive is full if you are putting these on E: .. that's where emulators seem to be installed by default.
25. November 2009 @ 11:54 |
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Ok so I just tried Filezilla and I am getting the same problem. First it says the connection timed out and then when it connects again it says too many users are connected. Does anyone have any idea on how to solve this?
25. November 2009 @ 12:09 |
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Well I think I found my problem. I did run out of space on my E drive. So I have a question. Both my G and F drives have 100 gigs of space on them where as my E only has a total of 4. My hard drive is 320GB. Is that normal? Can I move all my emulator stuff to the F drive without any problems?
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25. November 2009 @ 21:51 |
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yeah.. easy, you will need to change the rom paths in the emulators config files. and the actual locations of the emulators in the evox.ini (or whatever dash you are using) file.. That's easy too... use notepad not word etc. They won't run from G: .. in fact I don't understand why you have a G: .. I don't on either of my 300 gig drives.
25. November 2009 @ 22:04 |
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Ok well I will give that a try. How exactly do I change the rompath exactly? As well as .ini file? I am using UnleashX. Also. Is it normal to have such a small E drive? I am pretty sure I started with 100 gigs in that drive as well. Could I have messed something up? Where did all that space go lol.
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25. November 2009 @ 22:16 |
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No.. E: is a stock size of 4 gigs.. always has been. Back when I tried making one 8 gigs and it refused to allow a boot.. so the hardware checks something.
as for editing files.. it's really obvious when you ftp one to your comp and open it up with notepad... they are plain text files. Just modify the bits you need ..
say your emulator (whichever one) has a config file with
in it..
You would change that like to wherever the new directory is.. you don't even actually have to move the emulator completely.. some only like to run from E:
so you make a few folders of F: .. one for each emulator you use.. for simplicity I will pick the nes..
change the rompath to reflect where the new files are
then save and send it back .. keep backups of them before you change anything, that way you have a reference to how everything started off.
get the idea? .. remember the xbox is linux so everything is CaSe SenSiTive ;)
25. November 2009 @ 22:27 |
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Oh ok well that's good I thought I messed something up. So if I am not supposed to have a G: drive then is the F: supposed to get the majority of the 320GB of space? Thanks so much for the help. I have edited files before I just wanted to make sure I didn't screw anything up. I will give this a shot tomorrow.
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25. November 2009 @ 22:38 |
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The F on both of mine is over 280 gigs... that's how they set up years back. I haven't set one up in over 2 years now.
25. November 2009 @ 23:19 |
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Well I guess the guy that did it made me an extra drive for some reason? I believe I also have an X,Y, and Z drive.
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26. November 2009 @ 06:28 |
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yup.. they are cache drives.. leave them alone. If you play certain games you will see bits and bobs get stored in there, nothing important (sometimes the contentx of x will be why a game will run once and never again, in which case it's fine to delete the contents. Tiger Woods 2004 stores player data in there and it will stay if you use an igr to exit in the middle of a round. They are used in the general running of things, x especially seems to be a swap area. Don't delete them..
26. November 2009 @ 09:15 |
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Ok so can I delete the G: drive? If I do, does all that space just automatically go to the F: drive? Is it as simple as either going through the dash or the ftp program and just deleting it?