MS dashboard, Reboot,Power off, Settings, Backup. I dont know where or what has happened to all my emulators, Apps. Ect.. iT'S LIKE IF THIS SKIN IS LOCKED OR SOMETHING. I can't access my Gears skin. Because the skin's function is missing. I could boot to my unleash X from my splinter cell game. But even their it's hopless. I Need help. I FTP'd to my xbox., went to my C folder and their i could see all the accessories from games to saved files. DvD player. MediaPlaer,Etc. Is thier a file i can delete from the xbox via FTP that can erase that skin. or even replace it with another skin that can display the missing app's. why are my app's missing? respectfully Fabian..
Look in your evox.ini file you will find out why your menu is limited.
Section "Root"
Section "Play Games from Hard Drive"
Line "- Games on the Hard Drive -",2
AutoAddItem "E:\Games\"
AutoAddItem "E:\HDDLoader\"
AutoAddItem "F:\Games\"
AutoAddItem "F:\HDDLoader\"
AutoAddItem "G:\Games\"
AutoAddItem "G:\HDDLoader\"
Item "Xbox Game Trainers",ID_trainer
Section "Launch Emulators"
Line "- Emulators on Hard Drive -",2
AutoAddItem "E:\Emulators\"
AutoAddItem "F:\Emulators\"
AutoAddItem "G:\Emulators\"
Line "-----------------------------",2
Item "Play Game / Media from DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Line "-----------------------------",2
Section "Launch Applications"
Line "- Applications on Hard Drive -",2
AutoAddItem "E:\Apps\"
AutoAddItem "F:\Apps\"
AutoAddItem "G:\Apps\"
Item "Microsoft Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Choose a Different Skin",ID_Skins
Section "System Configuration"
Item "System Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Power Cycle",ID_Full_Reboot
Item "Lock Harddisk",@210
Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Reboot Xbox",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off Xbox",ID_Power_Off
For avalaunch look in avalaunch.xml file and you will find the path to your emulators.
<!-- You can specify which font to use in the main menu.
If omitted the font will default to 'framd' size '20'
NOTE! This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine is implemented -->
<font name="menu" size="20"/>
<!-- All menu entries has to be either an 'Item' or a 'List' -->
<list presetname="Games">
<!-- Path to the folder to scan for xbe's.
The attribute scanlevel sets the levels of sub folders to scan from the starting point
If omitted sub folders will be scanned 2 levels 'down'
e.g.: <path scanlevel="2">E:\Games</path>
meaning that all default.xbe's in
E:\Games (level 1) and
E:\Games\<folder> (level 2)
will be included in the list
NOTE! If you want to divide your applications into sub groups you can add 'List' items to a list
<list presetname="Games">
<list name="Action">
</list> -->
<path scanlevel="2">
<list presetname="Applications">
<list presetname="Emulators">
<item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager"/>
<item presetname="IRC" function="IRC"/>
<item presetname="Telnet" function="Telnet"/>
<item presetname="Settings" function="Settings"/>
<item name="Microsoft Dashboard" path="C:\msdash.xbe"/>
<item presetname="Restart" function="Restart"/>
<item presetname="Shutdown" function="Shutdown"/>