ok I have 2 modems 1 cable modem and 1 USB wireless modem
the Xbox connects to the computer threw the usb modem and I get
internet threw the cable modem, both modems are connected to
the same computer I have already turned internet sharing on on the cable modem and sill no go
ask for more info thanks.
c'mon somone has to know somthing or have some questions.
I think there may be some confusion here... Do you mean you have a modem and a router? That's different.
I'm guessing the xbox connects throught the usb router that is plugged into the computer.
Unfortunately internet sharing through a pc isn't very reliable, even if you tell windows to enable it, it doesn't always function correctly. I used to run two machines on one dial-up connection by network sharing(Don't ask...)
If windows sees even one little issue or misconfiguration on it's end, or if the xbox is set up even a little wrong, this won't work.
The best suggestion I can give you is to purchase a multi-port router. Plug the modem into the router, plug the pc into the router, and plug the xbox into the router. They will all function easily, and your issue will go away, without setting up internet sharing.