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Softmod Xbox Won't Read Any Discs Except Official Xbox Games- Help
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17. August 2009 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have decided to softmod my old xbox. I used action replay and installed Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v5.01 and currently have the EvoX dashboard running. Everything seemed to have worked out great.

However, the system will only read xbox games and whenever I try to put in a disc that i made and select "Play game/media from dvd" it does absolutely nothing. This disc contains some emulators. It still works if I throw in an xbox game no prob. I have tried dvd-r, cd-r, and cd-rw but I can't seem to get my box to read any of it.

Shouldn't there be some way for me to just throw in a disc with any files on it, explore the disc, find the right .xbe file and load it???

My ultimate goal is to get XBMC on the system and hook it up to my network. But for some stupid reason I can't FTP to the box either.

Do I need to somehow get some app like DVD2Xbox on my system. The EvoX dashboard came with no preloaded apps.

Sorry to be soo broad and all over the place, but I usually can figure this stuff out. I'm just starting to get frustrated.
17. August 2009 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
UPDATE: I have successfully ftp into my xbox. My default gateway was incorrect and needed to be the same as my pc since I am connected directly to it with crossover cable. Although, still not able to read any of my burnt discs.
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17. August 2009 @ 21:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"some emulators on it" .. yeah right.. proper built for xbox emulators?

Now you need a proper installer disk for softmods .. google or search the forums.. lots of links.. DON'T go installing any xbox games to the hdd.. the only place with enough room will be on E and that will most likely kill your dash.
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17. August 2009 @ 21:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you have an ORIGINAL Xbox, that is the 1.0, it will not read DVD-Rs, and in fact very few Xboxs can read any CD-R or CD-RW, regardless of what version. Now, it isn't the version that matters, it is your DVD drive.

My 1.0 Xbox did not read burned DVDs, however my 1.6 did. Having DVD2Xbox is suggested, but I have had no problem copying games via the EvoX default method. If your DVD drive reads the DVD, then yes, you can just browse the files no problem in file manager. In your case, you can't. Your DVD drive most likely looks something like this:

Notice the layout of the stickers on the DVD drive. A 1.6 Xbox will have a distinctively noticeable smaller sticker, and raised imprint on the metal right where the disc centers.

Long story short, I ended up screwing my 1.6b fried from a modchip. So, my 1.0 wasn't reading my burned DVDs, like yours. I simply took the 1.6b DVD drive out and popped it in my 1.0. No bios problems, no errors, worked fine. Able to copy burned games, and obviously see them. Interesting since M§ did a lot to make the 1.6b hard to mod, or not worth it, but burned games work better on that version then any other. Idiots.

Well, your first option is to get an ISO debugger, which will extract all the files out of an ISO image. FTP all the files and folders to the E:/Games/(Your Game) folder on your Xbox. You should be able to launch the default.xbe no problem. For EvoX, you might need to restart the Xbox 1 or 2 times before it recognizes the game and shows it. IF it doesn't show under that menu, you can still launch the xbe by browsing through file manager. EvoX is pretty basic, look into getting Avalaunch. Amazing.

Your second option, and suggested to any Xbox modder, soft or hardware, buy a second Xbox. Preferably a 1.6 in your case. Honestly, 40-60$ used at any game store. DON'T waste 60$ on the DVD drive from some replacement website, when you can get ALL the parts for less. And, a backup Xbox if you completely fry one. Can't go wrong, sell one if your ability to mod proves profitable.

I used EvoX for a long time, until I got the modchip and fried the poor Xbox. My newest one has Avalaunch, needless to say. Plenty of experience with EvoX however, issues, FTP, errors, etc. PM me if you ever need help. Or reply here, lol.
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17. August 2009 @ 21:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Almost forgot about the emulators! Sorry. If your emulators are for an Xbox, you are better off FTP'ing them. Most INIs are configured to access the roms folder from E drive. If you have additional drives, or a DVD, you would need to custom edit the INI for the default rom directory.

(google "killalltheyuppies", great emulator disc)

And if you just put the files on the DVD or CD, regardless of what format cd, or what the files are, you cannot read a burned disc like a USB device for example. Just open the drive and explore the files...won't work like that with an Xbox. DVDs need to have ISOs on them, and encrypted in those ISO formats are all the files, like default.xbe, that are extracted when you copy a game to your HD. You don't need computer basics. Just FTP everything.
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18. August 2009 @ 01:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you have an ORIGINAL Xbox, that is the 1.0, it will not read DVD-Rs
crap.. the 1.0 has a Thomson drive.. about all it will read are dvd-r's

There are 6 variants (that I know of) of dvd drives fitted.. 1.0 without fail (if unopened) has a Thomson.. generally good on dvd-r and not good on anything else.. Ritek G05 disks at 8x max required..

1.1 can have Thomson.. Samsung 605b (beaut drives.. go on forever) or nasty Philips nightmares that blow up.. 1.2 1.3 1.4 in my experience have Thomson or Philips (can be either revision of the philips drive.. both equally unreliable) or very rarely a Hitachi drive.. Think they were Pacific rim only.. never seen one in over 1000 modded or repaired.... No 1.5.. didn't exist .. 1.6 .. The few I saw.. because I generally softmodded them.. had Samsung 605F drives.. and those are like the Tommys.. generally godawful things that break and don't read anything..

With a softmod you will have about 3 gigs on E: and if there is an F: it will be 2 gigs.. installing halo2 to E: will kill everything.. by overwriting your dash.. It won't fit on F: .. which is why people install larger drives..

Just go and read the softmod guides now.. they are stickied and not hard to find...
18. August 2009 @ 12:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for all the help guys.

I really have no desire to put any xbox games on the HD. Gonna try to ftp XBMC over to the box today and see if it will play some avi files and just play around with it a lil bit. Got some small homebrew apps on it that worked. I am prob not even going to mess with trying to load anything from a disc anymore.

Thanks again
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18. August 2009 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
XBMC has no problem with AVI files. All 37 episodes of Deathnote, the original Japanese ftw, on my Xbox are avi format. They play flawlessly, and I have decided AVI is my default video format for Xbox. Mainly because google video has free downloads in AVI format, and you would be suprised what google has for free. Like 2 of Dave Chappeles entire specials, tons of skate videos like Kayo: It's Official.

Even better, if you have YoutubeDownloader, your Xbox has no problem playing flv files in XBMC. Enjoy. > forums > archived forums > xbox - software discussion > softmod xbox won't read any discs except official xbox games- help

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