I recently softmodded my xbox by the ndure hotswap method, and the installation seemed to go fine, but I am left with a couple of questions that I'm hoping someone can help me with. When my installation finished the dash that was installed was unleash x. I have no problems with this dashboard, but what I'm wondering is how you go about changing dashboards. The reason being is that I've read that its possible to use trainers on the xbox but that it requires the evox dashboard, and I've read that a lot of ppl prefer this dash. Is it just a matter of overwriting the given files related to the dash, or will this do more harm than good?
Second, I know its possible to have a primary dash - unleash x, or evox or whatever, and a secondary dash being the microsoft dash that comes with the xbox. What I'm wondering is whether you have to have set the xbox up to do the dual-booting during the initial setup process of whether you can go back and perform this function without any problems thereafter.
Lastly, I have been installing some Emulators on to my xbox. The emulators that I have questions about are the Commodore 64 emulator and the Commodore Amiga emulator. A lot of the games I've downloaded for the c64 emulator have trainers attached to them and thus requires an action to be taken; usually pressing run/stop (the old c64 key). I know this is selected by the escape key for the pc. The problem I am having is that the virtual keyboard is not always responding as it should. I would select the escape key which should bring me to the gaming menu, but it just sits at the current screen. Does this mean that there is something corrupt, possibly needing an update for the emulator? If this is the case, it is just a matter or ftping the emulator files and overwriting what's there, or is there something I'm missing?
Secondly, I've read that it is possible to use a usb keyboard with some of these emulators. I'm wondering how this is accomplished? Does this just require a usb to xbox adaptor, and if so, how does tge keyboard get recognized?
Lastly, in the c64 emulator is there a way to change which xbox controller button brings up the virtual keyboard? I have read that this may be possible, but I haven't been able to locate where this would be in the settings.
For the trainers for xbox games just download Xored its a easy app to use. To change the default dash download AID 4.3(or later). It has pretty mush every emulator and app you'd want. As for the usb to xbox wire, http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Xbox_Linux_USB_HOWTO that shows you how to make it. As for the keyboard, any usb keyboard connected to it will work. Good luck.