i have 2 xboxes 1 is chip modes 2 is soft mod ...and now i upgrade my xbmc on both because the script not work ...and even when i upgrade to latest xbmc and also not work any script ...so please is there somthing i muste do and how ,,,and i tried to search with out result...and am not smart enough ,,help me please to solve this
Thanks scum101
i can say that every thing script not working google image ,youtube,and appel movie wen i chose a movie to play it seems to download and then nothing ..and the hak5 video ..and i tried many times and i upgrade my xbmc 3 times but no way ,,,, so if you can help a dummy like me please do ......
errmm.. still not getting it.. xbmc isn't a web browser it's a media player
I don't think any of the "scripts" for the last xbox version will work on any of the new streaming sites.. you NEED to look on the xbmc forums, they are full of posts with problems just like yours and the general answer seems to be "hard luck.. use a pc.. xbox version no longer supported"
Can't comment on the other ones you mentioned. As per scum101's comment, sometimes it's better to use a PC. For example, the BBC iPlayer plugin works but is a bit laggy, so the rare times i want to use iPlayer i just use a PC.
upgrade xbmc to i think it's 9.04 or is it 9.10,i had the same trouble with not being able to get apple trailers & there were issues with getting skins,i found a post where others had issues also, apparently it was fixed in either of the two newer builds & now every thing's peachy or at least for me everything is working as it should,well until i start fiddling round in the folders again
EDIT:Just for the record since my boxes are chipped i just wiped the hdd's & reinstalled so no upgrading in other words a clean install if there is such a thing