I am looking for the software that this company uses to create and write complete TV series a single disk, with minimal loss, it works as I have some of their dvd's.
So what do they use???
These boxed sets normally contain a complete TV series consisting of up to 32 episodes each of about 50 mins long, and including subtitles can fit onto 1 DVD, but missing the adverts.
Loss is minimal when watching on a normal tv, certain parts may have pixelation, but in most cases this is fairly rare now, as obviously the compression maths are improved.
They are called boxed sets, but are normally flat packed, the maximum I have seen of disks in a pack is 2, and this was of the same program of 2 series which was of 720 episodes,each lasting one hour.
Called Jumong, a Korean television historical series.
nah.. sorry.. don't believe it.. not even on dvd9 .. not as standard dvd files. I smell BS here... there is no way to put 30+ hours on a dvd at watchable resolution.
Well believe it or not, its not BS, but true. I have quite a few of these disks here, and wish to create a few of my own for my collection, from my own recordings taken from the net.