Short story: I want to strip all of the unnecessary crap out of these test DVD and just have the actual "test clips", no menus etc.
These 'test' DVD's are a real problem to customize to remove all of the unnecessary 'crap' that is not the actual test clips. Digital Video Essentials & Avia are bad enough, but at least you can wind up with a copy that plays. Not very well without the menu, but it will play. AFAIC, the menu is very annoying. I only want the actual test clips. No commentary or how to's etc. Just the meat and potatoes.
With this HQV Benchmark, using CloneDVD2 or DVDFab the burned disc locks up the PC using three different software players.
Looking at the end result in DVDFab, there is only one title listed that is one second long out of 12-18 titles checked. I didn't see the result in Clone DVD, but I assume it is the same.
Anyone have a solution to these poorly authored discs? I'm assuming it has something to do with the number of separate titles and a unnecessary complicated menu unlike a 'movie' that might have two or three choices (main movie, extras, commentary etc.)
Examples of the problem are here;
1. Title list in FabDVD,
2. Title list with ripped DVD (notice the single one second file),
3. File list in the ripped Windows folder (only 19 out of the 36 entries).