I have one video, that is in two parts as .avi files that were over an hour long. I used VirtualDub to chop them into sections. After sectioning, they were saved as .avi files, then added to DVD Flick to add menus and convert so that I can burn them to DVD. The first part .avi that I sectioned was added to DVD Flick just fine, however, all the sections of part two failed to be added to DVDFlick.
First a window pops up saying ffmpeg.exe has stopped working.
Then, DVDFlick window pops up saying ________.avi has no usable video track. It will not be added to the project.
I'm not sure what's going on since, both parts of the video started in .avi, and were saved as .avi (in sections) before adding to DVDFlick. Also, I've done 4 or 5 other discs in this same manner, and never had a problem.
Compare part 2 and the new clips with MediaInfo to see what the difference is.
If they were merely clipped without recompressing (Direct Stream Copy) then they should be identical to the original.
Originally posted by attar: Compare part 2 and the new clips with MediaInfo to see what the difference is.
If they were merely clipped without recompressing (Direct Stream Copy) then they should be identical to the original.
I'll check with that, they were in fact clipped with Direct Stream Copy. The interesting thing is that whatever happened is causing ffmpeg to shut down due to error.
It probably means that the encoder is seeing corruption of the video.
If you want to try from the command line you can run ffmpeg on the clip directly, it should give you an mpeg file.
ffmpeg -i clip.avi -target dvd -aspect 16:9 -sameq clip.mpg
copy ffmpeg.exe from... program files\dvd flick\bin folder and clip.avi to c:\
goto the command prompt (as administrator), type cd\ to get to the c:\ prompt
Originally posted by attar: It probably means that the encoder is seeing corruption of the video.
If you want to try from the command line you can run ffmpeg on the clip directly, it should give you an mpeg file.
ffmpeg -i clip.avi -target dvd -aspect 16:9 -sameq clip.mpg
copy ffmpeg.exe from... program files\dvd flick\bin folder and clip.avi to c:\
goto the command prompt (as administrator), type cd\ to get to the c:\ prompt
paste the first line and enter
I get the following message:
'ffmpeg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file
Originally posted by attar: Compare part 2 and the new clips with MediaInfo to see what the difference is.
If they were merely clipped without recompressing (Direct Stream Copy) then they should be identical to the original.
Is there a way to compare side by side the two different clips with this prog?