As I have never tried other language options, I assume that screen takes users of other languages to versions of the main menu.
What I would like to do is remove this screen, other versions of the main menu, and have the DVD only ever play the English main menu.
How would I do that?
I have been using pgcedit and vobblanker, for other tasks, but I can't see how to use either to do that. I would prefer to use one of those two, to keep the software I need to use to a minimum.
If I just (vob)blanked that screen, it might work but - with my luck - it would also mean a random language menu each time.
I had tried that, to get to the main menu - rather than auto-play the movie itself - in another thread (with another DVD). It didn't seem to work then, so fingers crossed that the architecture of this DVD does allow it.
As with guides that pertain to slightly older software versions, you do have to look in menus other than those specified - for commands / features referred to - but they're all there and all working.
So many DVDs having those language selection menus, this process has been added to my routine "to do" list. I have found that it's also useful for internal working as well.
Clicking "Chapters", on a recent project, I found something that looked like a transition. I just wanted the main menu button to jump straight to the sub menu - without a transition. It was driving me crazy, because I couldn't deal with what I saw as a transition, until I realised that what I was seeing was a screen with a hidden button (NOT a transition). I didn't want this "transition" and so applied the above process to it and got what I wanted - an immediate jump from the title menu's button to the requested menu.
The more I learn, the more I realise I have still to learn. I also can't help but wonder how some people get work, DVDauthoring in the horrendous manner they do.
Thanks to those who have helped with my many questions, Attar in particular. There will be many more. To any and all... familiarise yourself with the two above links, the second in particular. I've been using them for a couple of months and now wonder how I got on without them.
I don't have anything similar to your menu, so I can't say that the link I provided is the answer.
I can say that I have used it to bypass a main menu and jump directly to a setup menu instead (also bypassing the annoying screens that are on the disk).
In all situations, I use that first link I gave. Often, the screen mentioned in the initial post isn't visible on PCs but is clear on standalone players. When it is present, I use the second link. Rather than jump the menu, it removes the buttons and auto-inputs the desired choice (English, for me). This means I can trim the menus of other languages (with VobBlanker), without errors. Even if I were not to, it's a very neat solution.