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Return to Title - NOT Chapter Menu - HOW?
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9. March 2010 @ 11:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use VLC to check my DVDs, as I re-author.

Tools I use to re-author include MenuShrink, PgcEdit, VobBlanker and IfoEdit. I've got a nice process that results in smooth playbacks and working menus. From time to time, however, something odd crops up - from the source disc - as it just has. My most recent re-author is fine, but it has an odd foible.

When I right-click the screen area of most films (using VLC), during the playback of those films, I am able to choose: "Title" and then "DVD Menu". That usually returns me to the Root / Main Title Menu.

With this backup, doing so returns me to the Chapter Selection Menu. That's not a big problem, but I would like to be returned to the Root / Main Title Menu instead. This is obviously not a "first play" problem, as it does then go to the Root / Main Title Menu - as it should. It is just a problem with returning to that menu, from playback.

How could I change the behaviour of my backup (the behaviour also being present on the source), to return me to the Root / Main Title Menu instead of the Chapter Selection Menu?

12. March 2010 @ 15:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Use Trace to redirect navigation to jump to Chapter Selection menu. There must be some check, probably some register, in the Root menu that makes it jump to the Chapter menu.
12. March 2010 @ 15:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I understand that. Thanks. The question is:

How could I change the behaviour of my backup (the behaviour also being present on the source), to return me to the Root / Main Title Menu instead of the Chapter Selection Menu?
12. March 2010 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can't be specific as each DVD is authored differently. I would need the IFOs to see what's going on. If you post that, I can elaborate.

There is also a guide in PgcEdit's site to show you how to use the Trace functionality and Jump to any place instructions. I don't use its trace function because I prefer to do on my own.
12. March 2010 @ 16:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The only guide on the PgcEdit home page covers jumping from a specific place to a specific place. That can be figured out just clicking lines and watching highlights, without even using trace.

What I am asking about is how to jump from a non-specific place (playback) to a specific one (title menu).

Responses don't need to be specific and I'd rather they not be. I am asking about what needs to be done and about which method would be used. As a brick wall will be different from house to house, its still a brick wall.

What I'd like to know is which functions and general methods are required to return me to the Root / Main Title Menu instead of the Chapter Selection Menu? I can ask more specific directions with some idea of what I am asking about.

12. March 2010 @ 19:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hope we are looking at the same guide here:

This guide not only shows you what's going on but also adjusts the necessary navigation automatically to your target destination without the need to understand VM commands. If you understand the VM commands, I guess you wouldn't be asking this question.

For a general response, you would start tracing in the Root menu (labeled as RootM) when you press Root or in the Title menu (TitleM) when you press Title. The name may vary in each software and dvd player but you will know which button is what after a few tries.

Look for if statement to see that it leads to the Chapter menu. Often a gprm(x) accompanies the if statement. It is the value within the gprm(x) that determines to branch to the Chapter menu. Normally, you would know the value to the right of the "==" sign.

If there's no if statement, then it must be some Jump or Link command, so go to it and start tracing.

To make it go to the Main menu, change the value of gprm(x) to something else that will lead to Main Menu.

A more direct way to jump to the Main menu is insert the LinkPGCN command at the first line of the pre-command in the RootM PGC, and make it go directly to the PGC containing the Main Menu. This method is not the proper way but it works most of the time, so there might be some side effects. The LinkPGCN command assumes that the Main Menu is within the same VTSM domain.

If the Main Menu is from another VTSM domain, you will need to issue a JumpSS to VMGM PGC and then redirect it to the VTSM PGC. > forums > digital video > video to dvd > return to title - not chapter menu - how?

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