Hello. I have 2 problems with my Xbox. I have installed/uninstalled everything that needed to be installed like drivers and such. I am using a compatible VIA driver that I used to flash 2 previous Liteon drives. The drive that I am trying to flash is one that already has ixtreme 1.6 on it. I am trying to update it to LT+. Now in jungleflasher, I have read that I only need to push the button that says to get dummy from ixtreme. I don't have the keys because I lost them, other wise I wouldn't have to go through that. Now everytime I try to pull those keys, I get the error that tells me to power drive and open tray half way. I am not using the ck3 switch, I am using the 360 as the power supply. Yes I read the JF tut and there was basically 2 ways I could do this, either the power up, eject, close try button, unplug real quick, set to half tray and power back on method. Or there was a manual way that you could do it by the switch and moving that to the left then manually pulling the drive open. I have searched online forever but I can't seem to get the error to go away about the half open drive. I have tried restarting computer, changing the red cable that goes from comp to xbox data cable. I made sure that I am using the right ports etc. I don't know what to do from here. I used the most current version of JF as well. I get no other errors than that one. Any Ideas? I know this system, in fact, has ixtreme 1.6 on it.
The other problem stemmed from the previous problem. Now the tray wont stay closed. You try to close the tray, then 1 second after it closes it opens automatically. Even when I go to power down the system, it opens the tray then shuts off. I must have done something wrong to the tray when I was trying to flash it with the half tray error message for hours. Any Ideas on how to fix this?