Quote:JTAG Content Manager 1.0 by xamphear. Send comments and bug reports to: jtagcm@gmail.com
What This App Does:
* Browse 360 files on your PC by their real info, like game name and package
* Upload files (XBLA, DLC, GOD, Avatar, Title Update) to your console over FTP with a single click. Files are automatically uploaded to the right folders.
* Scan the Content folder on your 360's HDD to a database so that while browsing
content on your PC you can see if it's already on your 360 or not, even if
your 360 is off.
* Drag and drop files to other applications, if you'd prefer to use your own
FTP client.
* Restore the original filenames for XBLA and DLC.
* View the MediaID of Title Updates and GODs so you can match them, and search
JQE or XBUC for matching TUs.
* View the MediaID of ISO files. (Requires abgx360 be installed.)
Please see the About box for credits and thanks. This app owes a lot to other
more talented 360 hackers.
Not all FTP servers in 360 homebrew packages are created equal! Here's what
works and what doesn't:
* xm360: Uploads and Content Scanning (recommended)
* FSD: Uploads
* XeXmenu: Neither (not recommended)
Originally posted by busabill: is this the same as what i can do on my PS3 i.e put games on my hdd through my router
Yes, your PS3 with custom firmware mimmicks what a JTAG'd Xbox 360 can do. Copy game discs to run from the HDD. Transfer games and other content via FTP from PC to the Xbox 360. Run emulators. Etc etc etc.