- This Tool is for easily packaging and unpackaging the xzp file type that is used for skins in
freestyle dash.
Opening - There are a few different ways to open an xzp. Use File>open file, hit the Open file button,
drag/drop it onto the app, or right click it in the listview and hit open.
Extracting - Once an XZP is open in the app you can extract it by hitting extract to and selecting a folder
to extract to.
Building - To build an XZP, either hit the Build button or right click a folder in the directory view,
then select a version to build, and select a save file name.
Converting - To convert the open xzp , hit convert then choose a version to convert to.
Add File - To add a file to the root of the xzp, hit add file and select a file. This just automates
extracting, copying the file over, then rebuilding. (note that this updates the open file).
Add Folder - Adding the folder is the same as adding a file, hit add folder and select the folder and that
will be added to the root of the xzp.
Test - To test that an xzp extracts properly hit test. This will extract it temporarily to the same
folder and displays any errors that occurred, then delete it when done.
Save Copy - To save a copy of the open file hit save copy and select the new file to save it as.
Delete - To delete the open xzp hit delete and confirm you want to delete it.
Logging - A log is kept on the right side, to clear it right click and hit clear.
Refreshing - To refresh the directory view right click a folder and hit refresh.
- The directory view will stall if you use your root drive on win7 due to access exception
handling. It will load after a second but it is always better to work from the Desktop or
other folders.
- There are two different versions supported, v1 and v3. Freestyle dash currently uses v1 of
XZP which stores the names as unicode. V3 stores them as ascii, this can save some space
over a few megabytes. Testing is for v3 only due to illegal nullchars in the v1 names.
Hopefully Team Fsd will update v3. Then use Convert to v3 on an xzp to convert it.
- Make sure you have access to the files you're putting in the xzp (don't have them open in
other tools) and make sure you have access to where you're writing the xzp.
Cancerous - testing/helping with code.
Ced2911 - helping with code
Razkar - testing
sagitairedudu - making the icons.
Trajik - testing
logic-sunrise - best site