A guy wanted his 360 flashed. He ended up getting in touch with me to do the job because he is a friend of a friend of a relative of mine, in other words, my cousin's friend's friend. Anyway, he drops off his Jasper/Lite-On, and I tell him he can pick it up the next day after I get off work.
Flashed it with LT1.1 (the guy didn't want to wait for LT2.0).
Powered it on and got a RRoD.
Solder splatter on the drive's PCB after re-connecting cut traces was my 1st thought.
Check, clean up, boot, RRoD.
Check, clean up, boot, RRoD.
Check, clean up, boot, RRoD.
An hour later, I decide to call my cousin and let him know it's gonna be another day before he can pick it up. He says the guy has no cell phone so can't reach him. Shortly afterward, the guy shows up to pick up his console. I decided to show him what was going on.
He says, and get this: "That's why I wanted to get it modded, so that the mod would fix the red rings, and expand the hard drive's size".
So I slapped the hell out of him, tossed his console out onto the lawn, kicked him in his back, right out of the my front door. Actually I only envisioned that part.
Note to self: Always check console before flashing.
oh wow, that's brutal. I've been there before. Guy wanted his xbox flashed and I got the play dvd error after. Turns out, it couldn't play games in the first place! Should have checked it first
Originally posted by CawkFour: *that's aimed at the guy who thought getting a box modded increased the hard drive and fixed red ring.
Yeah, I'm gonna get an oil change in my truck so that it will up the engine displacement to 10 liters and add 200 HP.
Originally posted by outtatime: That sux. Didn't ya turn it on first? (obviously not haha)
I've flashed about 40 boxes that came my way via my cousin. He usually checks the box before it even gets to me. And I usually check before flashing. Dor whatever reason, this time I didn't.
me: you took out the last dvd you played right?
co worker: its actually my cousin's machine but yeah.
*takes xbox apart and places drive upside down to do the probe thing, turn power on, crunch*
It punched a nice half moon into the game disc.
me: sob has some power eh?