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benq 6038 flashing problems?? help plz
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Junior Member
16. September 2011 @ 03:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i tried playing a backup of nhl 12, and asked for an update, made it 75% percent through and then froze.

so i went too flash my benq drive too the newest firmware, which worked fine..

updated too the newest update 13599

and now whenever i go too start a game, it loads and takes me too a white screen with the xbox 360 logo on it..

i was doing some reading, and now wondering if maybe i have the wrong Keys for my drive...

anyone have any problems ever like this?? and is it possible to recover lost keys.?
Senior Member
16. September 2011 @ 08:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you flash a drive with firmware that has the wrong key in it, it won't even recognise any disc based games (originals or backups).

When you put a game in the drive, what does it show up as? Does it say "NHL 12", for example, and load the image of the game on the relevant tile on the dashboard? If it does, then a lost key is not your problem. If it doesn't recognise the game and display it's name/image, then chances are you have flashed it with the wrong key.

If it is a problem with the key, the only way to recover from that is if you have a backup of your original firmware that has the correct key in it. If you have no backup, or if when you dumped it, it didn't dump the key properly for some reason, then your 360 is now a nice DVD player unfortunately.

Click HERE for up to date 360 tutorials that may help you!
Junior Member
16. September 2011 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it doesn't load the image in the dash...just boots the game to a white screen with xbox logo.

i've had a couple xbox's now...(red ring of death) and might have got my originals keys mixed up...

is there anyway to know, too verify the key? for the drive i have. make sure its the proper.. Cause i show 2 diff. keys in jungleflasher.
Senior Member
16. September 2011 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by eazyrider:
i tried playing a backup of nhl 12, and asked for an update, made it 75% percent through and then froze.

so i went too flash my benq drive too the newest firmware, which worked fine..

updated too the newest update 13599

and now whenever i go too start a game, it loads and takes me too a white screen with the xbox 360 logo on it..

i was doing some reading, and now wondering if maybe i have the wrong Keys for my drive...

anyone have any problems ever like this?? and is it possible to recover lost keys.?
Since you see a white screen with the 360 logo booting backups, your 360 dvdkey wasn't properly flashed. Whenever you flash with jungleflasher, it always asks if you want to save your old firmware. Also, jungleflasher by default saves a log file. In your jungleflasher folder, you should find a log file that is recent. Inside that log file is your dvdkey. You might manually have to type in your dvdkey, and load destination firmware for your benq (latest firmware). In order for this to work properly, don't worry about loading source firmware. Load the lastest LT+ (1.92) for benq in jungleflasher. Then hit the manual spoof button. Don't spoof the drive as another type drive, just type in the 32 digit alpha numeric number in the area supplied field. Make sure the characters are not all 7's or otherwise, you'll be in the same boat (not being able to play games). The motherboard and dvd-rom have a shared matching key. If one letter or number is off, the console won't boot originals or backups as funksoulb has mentioned. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > benq 6038 flashing problems?? help plz

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