I, like many, suffered the update kill and my drive is now hosed. I have a Lite-On 9345. I previously had someone flash it for me from stock to LT+ 1.1. He sent me the dummy.bin file in case I'd ever want to re-flash the drive myself. Since I can't get to my dash I just wanted to re-flash back to 1.1. Figured I could flash to a newer version once I get back on my feet. Upon having this situation happen I opened JF, connected my drive, saw the drive, placed the dummy.bin as my source, set the 1.1 firmware as the target, and went through the process. Everything seemed to work but when I get to the last step, doing the Outro, I don't see the DVD Key found. The drive appears to stay in vendor mode.
After reading some posts I'm thinking perhaps my issue is I need to flash back to stock, then update my dash then flash to iXtreme 1.9. I'm sure this situation is fixable and I'm guessing I'm missing some step or steps to doing it but as I'm relatively new to this I'm stumped. I've looked at mutliple posts and I see references to updating the dash via USB or flashing back to stock. The problem is I can't find any tutorials on how to do that. I have no idea how to find the stock firmware either. I would really appreciate some help if anyone can toss me a bone. Thanks.
your dummy bin is your stock keys only,you must go into the folder that has original firmware for your version of the drive,,you can find that in the LT folder,you must flash back to the original firmware,update to the latest dash,then flash with LT 1.92,firmware,and your good to go,jungleflasher has the tut on how to do it,
Thank you for replying and please forgive me if this comes across as really dense. I'm really trying to learn how to do this on my own.
Ok, I see the link for updating the firmware. Seems simple enough. Thanks for the direction.
As for flashing to the original firmware, when I downloaded the LT firmware all that came with it was a nfo file and the bin file. You referenced an LT folder that would have my original firmware. Is that something online? Is the LO83info command what I need to do even though I have a 9345 drive?
As I said, apologies for the questions but really do appreciate the help.
no the lite on 9345 is used different then the 83.if u open up jungle flasher u should see a help or tutorial button.click on that and it will give u step by step instructions.and as for stock fw (orig)it comes with the lt 1.91 when u dl the file
Ok, this is making more sense now. I didn't know the ixtreme firmware came with everything I'd need. Sorry for all the questions. I'll give this a whirl this weekend and let you know how it went.
Ok, I'm stuck. My drive got stuck in mid update by the game so I'm assuming that means I've not updated the dash yet and it's not on 0251. In trying to flash back to stock, I used my Dummy.bin file from a previous flash to 1.1 as the source. I set the orig-93450C.bin file from the LiteOn_Pre_13141/OFW folder as the target. Everything appears to have spoofed fine. The LiteOn Erase went fine and the Write went fine as well. I clicked on Outro/ATA Reset and the drive isn't coming out of vendor mode and the DVD Key is Not Found. What am I doing wrong????