so ive been looking around an kind of cathering info from different posts, but my situation is that i got the rrodon my modded xbox and didnt have it fixed due to being to busy to care about it. now ive got unbusy an time to play the box again, i got my rrod reflowed.
what is needed to play burned games, ive been out of it for 3 months and it seems like a alot of new info is out. when i last played back up games all you to do was download and burn with correct ss and it would work on lt+, is that still the case or what are these new things c4eva is/has cracked? and do they pertain to every future game?
in short, what in the past 3 months has changed an what do i have to change to be able to play back ups?
Reflash your drive back to stock, install it, let it update "or update manually via usb" then it will re-flash your drive on its own (depending on what model drive you have) your dash updates to the latest dash 13xxx then you can remove your drive, reflash it with the latest firmware 1.91a or 1.92 depending on your model, and you're good to go.