Hi there, I have just replaced the PhilipsDVD drive in my Xbox 360. When I try to play a game I get the message "to play this disc, put it in an Xbox 360 console".
Originally posted by peluynati: thats because the key you need to have on the drive is on the old one, you cannot just swap drives, its a little more complicated than that.
thanks for your reply ,hi which is the easiest rout in your opinion i been googleing stuff, it appears i can either use jungleflash or change the board from the old drive into the new. thanks
i had lots of problems trying to flash with junglflasher, spent 2 days farting about ,so got the soldering iron out , job done in half an hour switching the boards and now fully working and playing games ,i copied this u tube tutorial, if it`s of some help for anyone .it is for the phillips-BenQ drive.JUST PASTE THE NEXT SENTENCE INTO UTUBE SEARCH BAR AND IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW -------How to change the circuit board in a Ben Q/ Phillips dvd drive for the XBox 360