So I had a flash modded 360 which decided to RROD on me hard. Did the fixes, and now its at the point where its just dead. So I bought a 360 with a broken DVD drive assuming I could just swap the drives and everything would be fine. Swapped it, fired it up and threw in a backup and it is just reading it as a DVD. I havent tried an actual game disc yet as well, I dont have one here. From reading on here a bit it seems I may need to have a drive which matches my motherboard.
I will say I have no idea the brand of DVD drive, firmware version etc. What I am basically looking for is somebody kind enough to just tell me the steps for what I need to do to have this working and playing backups again.
I dont know the brand of DVD, and these are just the old school 360's. I am assuming its something along the lines of pull bad drive info somehow, then flash good drive to match (+backup mod)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can't just swap drives.
Since you flashed the first 360, I assume you know something about keys.
The console's key and drive's key MUST match. If not, it'll only play DVD movies & CDs.
If the RRoD'd box's drive was a Samsung, then you need to dump the key from your broken Samsung drive (new box), and flash it to your RRoD'd box's drive, then use that RRoD'd drive in the new box. (This way the keys match).
If the RRoD'd box's drive was a Hitachi, BenQ, or Lite-On, you'll have to spoof the key from your broken Samsung drive (new box), into that RRoD'd Hitachi, BenQ, or Lite-On, so that it matches your new boxes key, then use the Hitachi/BenQ/Lite-On in your new box. (Note: Supposedly, the latest dashboards can detect spoofing meaning it'll get banned, but still work).
Simply put, the console's key must match the drive's key.