im trying to update my jtag to the latest dash using freeboot, ive watched the tutorials and think i know what to do, Im told to use flash360.xex in the root of a usb drive and run xexmenu 1.1 then i browse to the usb drive and run flash360 by pressing start on the control pad, then all i get is blank screen (black) i can reboot the xbox no problem but ive not got my nand? what am i doing wrong?
ive got the cpu key from starting with the eject button and noting it down
Oh nuts ive done 4 nand dumps and using total comander everyone has 8 differences to each of the others? then if i try to use any of them in easy freeboot, I load the nand, input the cpu key and then start the programme only to get the error message
ERROR: Data in block 861, page 10, plane 0 is corrupted
Error Unhandled exception
press any key to continue
Originally posted by m4r0v3r: you need a clean dump with no errors, check your soldering
I now have 3 dumps identical still same problem though, (I bought this box already jtagged im just trying to update it) when i read the nand i get the same error on screen every time
error reading block 35d status 210 (once had a ststus 218 instead
should i open it up and check his work anyway?
the xbox works fine at the moment, just has an old dashboard
Originally posted by m4r0v3r: you need a clean dump with no errors, check your soldering
I now have 3 dumps identical still same problem though, (I bought this box already jtagged im just trying to update it) when i read the nand i get the same error on screen every time
error reading block 35d status 210 (once had a ststus 218 instead
should i open it up and check his work anyway?
the xbox works fine at the moment, just has an old dashboard