I might have to go with teamX on this one. This is the FREE method. You can always order the writable PCB which I think would be easier, but hey why not try it :)
Originally posted by Modking30: I might have to go with teamX on this one. This is the FREE method. You can always order the writable PCB which I think would be easier, but hey why not try it :)
every site i went to was sold out,so i just ordered a new drive of VGC
Originally posted by Modking30: I might have to go with teamX on this one. This is the FREE method. You can always order the writable PCB which I think would be easier, but hey why not try it :)
every site i went to was sold out,so i just ordered a new drive of VGC
You can still dump the slims as far as I know. I heard that about the pcb's, pretty dumb. What drimmel did you use?
Originally posted by Modking30: I might have to go with teamX on this one. This is the FREE method. You can always order the writable PCB which I think would be easier, but hey why not try it :)
every site i went to was sold out,so i just ordered a new drive of VGC
You can still dump the slims as far as I know. I heard that about the pcb's, pretty dumb. What drimmel did you use?
regular target black and decker dremel i had to cut cases,i was reading that the was a write up and a kit for sound where to stop when u hit the ground but i didnt even bother to dl that ,just went ahead and did the drill,oh well,but good news i have a benq spoofed on there to play for the mean time no online until i get the replacement