I had a hitachi 46 which did not play many backups. I ordered a 79 and was sent a 47. The hitachi 47 worked better but failed at playing many backups (verified working on liteon). I just bought a Hitachi 79 drive from someone. The drive was spoofed as a lite on. I reverted to stock fw with jungle flasher. I then spoofed it as a 46 with my original drive key. Oh and using the x360usb pro and ck3 lite. My 3rd time flashing a drive.
I am now trying to flash to the latest LT but it keeps aborting the process. Am I missing a step somewhere? I hit send mode-B, open the tray with my ck3-lite, turn off the ck3-lite, hit ok, turn it back on and the log says Mode-B done. I did notice it seems to lose the drive again and then pick it up and the open and close buttons do not work. When I click open or close it aborts the command as seen in the log below, seems like it loses the drive again and then picks it up. The 79 unlock seems to work fine but I don't think I need to dump the drive do I? Is my problem that I am failing to get into mode B? Anyone know what I need to do?
Mode-B Done!
Found drive A: - Removable.
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
Found drive E: - Hard Drive.
Found drive G: - Removable.
Found drive H: - Removable.
Found drive I: - Removable.
Found drive J: - CD/DVD.
Found drive K: - Removable.
No Hitachi drives were found!
New CD/DVD detected.
Found drive A: - Removable.
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
Found drive E: - Hard Drive.
Found drive F: - CD/DVD. <--- Hitachi found
Found drive G: - Removable.
Found drive H: - Removable.
Found drive I: - Removable.
Found drive J: - CD/DVD.
Found drive K: - Removable.
Drive Aborted the command
New CD/DVD detected.
Found drive A: - Removable.
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
Found drive E: - Hard Drive.
Found drive F: - CD/DVD. <--- Hitachi found
Found drive G: - Removable.
Found drive H: - Removable.
Found drive I: - Removable.
Found drive J: - CD/DVD.
Found drive K: - Removable.
I had to restore to stock, I guess using the firmware tool tab to spoof messed something up. It shows the correct drive key now that I have LT installed. It still shows up as a hitachi 79, don't I need to spoof it somehow to make it show up as my original drive a hitachi 46?
Lol, I guess I still could. I'd think it was the lasers of the two previous drives but I don't really know 100% why they didn't perform well. So I've got LT on the 79 now no problem but how to I get it spoofed as a 46? From what I can tell from reading Hitachis are different and its mostly done from the hitachi tab but I can't seem to get it spoofed and flashed.