Hi, a while back i flashed my hitachi78 drive with 1.51 and spoofed it to fit to a sammy motherboard i bought from ebay, anyway i would now like to flash lt+1.1 to my drive, the xbox is now banned so not bothered about MS being able to detect a spoofed drive thing, just cant remember how i did it, can i just put drive into mode b and spoof the lt+1.1 firmware into the flashed firmare thats already on the drive or will this unspoof it from thinking its a sammy drive, any help will be much appreciated and thanks in advance!!
i would try loading original hitachi78 firmware with your key and then continue spoofing from there to be safe. Someone else might be able to help further
I'm not sure if it is just the slims that the kinect dash can detect spoofed drives on, but they can be detected. So if it can be detected on old consoles too then it will be a waste of time, because they wont play games with spoofed drives.
Oh and I haven't done hitachi in a while, but I believe you have to flash to stock before flashing cracked firmware, or I think you can make jungle just patch the blocks that need it. But I would just flash and reflash in dos since windows freezing could brick your drive.
Ok, thanks guys, its just mainly for kinect games so not too worried at the minute as they are not Ap25, i have an untouched xbox for live play, i have heard some feedback that spoofed hitachis have all been working fine on the kinect dashboard (even AP25 games) but dont know how true it is!! if i am mainly playing kinect games on it does this mean i dont need to flash as 1.51 dont check for waves?
Originally posted by sn0wman1: Ok, thanks guys, its just mainly for kinect games so not too worried at the minute as they are not Ap25, i have an untouched xbox for live play, i have heard some feedback that spoofed hitachis have all been working fine on the kinect dashboard (even AP25 games) but dont know how true it is!! if i am mainly playing kinect games on it does this mean i dont need to flash as 1.51 dont check for waves?
Some of the 78 and 79 hitachi drives play anything (even AP2.5) when just flashed with 1.51. It's a very small percentage. I would flash to LT+ just to make sure. I have a 79 that played anything with 1.51, but it's not a live box. I flashed it anyway to make sure that games that come out in the future work okay (hopefully).
Originally posted by sn0wman1: Ok, thanks guys, its just mainly for kinect games so not too worried at the minute as they are not Ap25, i have an untouched xbox for live play, i have heard some feedback that spoofed hitachis have all been working fine on the kinect dashboard (even AP25 games) but dont know how true it is!! if i am mainly playing kinect games on it does this mean i dont need to flash as 1.51 dont check for waves?
Some of the 78 and 79 hitachi drives play anything (even AP2.5) when just flashed with 1.51. It's a very small percentage. I would flash to LT+ just to make sure. I have a 79 that played anything with 1.51, but it's not a live box. I flashed it anyway to make sure that games that come out in the future work okay (hopefully).
Yeh this is a banned console so not bothered about live, think i will flash, then fix the rrod. (AGAIN). lol. Thanks for your input :)