I have Lite-on drive with LT+ 1.0 and im trying to play homefront but I keep on getting disk unreadable error. I have installed the game on HDD and I have burned two copies of the game and when ever I start a new game I get the disk unreadable error. I am not banned form xbox live and everything is updated and black ops and marvel vs capcom work fine but I keep on getting this error with this game with both disks at the same point. Whats going on?
Originally posted by b1gh3ad: are you on the 2.0.12625.0 dash?
yes I am on the latest dashboard. Does homefront require LT+ 1.1?
I formated my computer and I think I did not set up abgx right and that could be causing this.
Originally posted by BillB: Yes, it requires LT+ 1.1 since you have a lite-on.
well thats just fucking perfect =/ Is it possible to upgrade the drive from LT+ to 1.1 without soldering? im not good with cutting traces or soldering so I might have to get a new 360 with a 74 drive again so I can get LT+ 1.1 =(
I have got a CK3 lite and probe V1 and I think im going to buy a probe V3. Can I use that to reflash the Lite-On drive from LT+ to LT+ 1.1 and can I connect the probe V3 to the CK3 lite?
LT+ should still boot the game. The game isn't even AP2.5 so even LT should boot the game fine. Are you using verbatims? Oh and when you do get the game to boot, you'll probably though it in the trash anyway. It's a POS
Originally posted by Modking30: LT+ should still boot the game. The game isn't even AP2.5 so even LT should boot the game fine. Are you using verbatims? Oh and when you do get the game to boot, you'll probably though it in the trash anyway. It's a POS
No Im not using Verbatims, I am using some unbranded cheap ones and they always seem to work, besides the game is installed on the hard drive, the disk isnt even spinning so it doesnt make sense for the game to be unreadable if its not even reading from the disk.
EDIT: OK now I have ran into a new problem, the game works fine if I play it straight off the disk but it doesnt work when I play it from the hard drive. When ever I load the save game or start a new game I get the disk unreadable error but it works when I play from the disk, it loads saves game fine and everything is working but I want to play the game from the hard drive not the disk because the disk drive makes very loud noise and its hard to hear the game and I dont like putting the volume up too high and also im using cheap DL-DVDs so I dont want the laser to burn out.
Originally posted by fredrych: in that case, the problem may be your harddrive.
do you have any other games installed on your harddrive, if so try playing it to see if it works, if it doesnt work then the problem is probably your harddrive.
but its weird because it loads saves fine.
the problem is solved. Turns out there was something wrong with the copy of the game which was installed on the HDD, I deleted that copy and installed the game from the other disk and now it works fine form the HDD =)