I have a modded xbox, it is a NTSC version, I have downloaded Fifa 11 and suddenly an incorrect region massege apears, so can any one tell how to convert the game region if it is possible already.
Also, I have AC brotherhood and when I put the DVD my console asked for update to play the game, I pressed yes and updated it, the interference h'd been changed totally and I downloaded the game to my xbox harddisc, and when I try to play an error massege says "disc is unreadable" while the console recognize the game, any advise here
why dont you just download the NTSC version instead of wasting your time changing the region. No need to change the region of AC Brotherhood as its region free. Have you run the iso through abgx yet since? ACB is a AP2.5 Game
you cant change the region if its for pal THEN IT WILL ONLY WORK ON PAL same with ntcs/j either get the correct version for your console or get a rf one. you cant run it thru a programme and change all that unfortunately
Televisions around the world use two primary broadcast formats to display TV signals: Phase Altering Lines (PAL) and National Television Standards Committee (NTSC). Most countries stream broadcasts in the PAL format, while North American signals are sent in NTSC. Therefore, if you want to play an Xbox 360 game designed for use in Europe or Asia, you cannot play it on a TV made for an American market, unless you have some way of converting the signal running from the game console to the television.
Here have the Instructions: www.ownace.net/blog/archives/53
so your trying to say if i brought my palconsole to the states and put a ntsc game in and played it on an american tv it would work? Coz i can assure you thats wrong.