I Would like to flash my old xbox 360 to play games, but really dont know everything I NEED to have to do so. My drive is a DG 16D2S Liteon Drive. I read about the Xecuter CK3 Probe 3. BUt what else would I need besides that?
I just built a new PC. it has a sata port right there on the front of the PC, Could I use that to connect and flash? Just need some help here, I am completely new to the concept of doing this.
Thank you guys
Also, if you can tell me what all I need, maybe you can inform me of some dependable resellers of the things I will need to buy also. Thanks....
It depends on what version liteon you have there are 7450c,8450c v1 and v2, and 9450c. If you have the 8450c version 1 then all you need is compatible sata via6421 works well, and connectivity kit for power if you need it. You can use 360 for powering the drive but it will set a flag, and log it with ms if you go online. The 7 series requires the probe to get key. The last two are bitches and not so easy. You can read the Jungle flasher.pdf for info on everything you'll need, and a pretty good idea of how to do it.
All Liteon drives are now very easy to read and flash! Please, read up on the "PMT Probe" method.
This method requires you to buid a very very simple probe that can read the keys from ALL phat liteon drives (7xxx, 8xxx v1, 8xxx v2, 9xxx) with zero cuts and zero soldering on your PCB.
The parts cost about $5 and the process is very simple.
Mods: I am unsure if linking to other forums is allowed, but this is a VERY helpful post that many people dont seem to know about. If I am not allowed to link to other forums, please delete this section!