Hi guys i recently downloaded a kinect back up and get a play dvd error which just shows the xbox logo. I have a samsung ms25 drive it plays all my other back ups well infact i had no ap 2.5 ames and i tried one of them today which also failed, i didnt think there was a flash update for this drive so im sort of lost.
I have ran it through abgx and it comes back all green (perfect) its ssv2 aswell. Im really hoping someone that has one of these drives comes pass this thread and hopefully have some advice, looking through threads it seems very touch and go- some say there sammy had no problems because it have the a.p25 check but have seen others say it didnt work for them either, so if anyone that got it working let us know what ya did please.
yeah dont pay any attention to that guy he posts on every board without having a clue what he's talking about, i would suggest 2 things, check the pot settings on your laser, and clean it with alcohol while you have it apart, if that does not fix it, try another img file, the one you have may be region locked?
Ya i tried a couple of discs that work fine in my friends one, will try the lens, but doubt that will work cause tried another sammy drive aswell which also failed!!!
im really not sure they was flashed quite awhile back so do ya think giving them the lt 1.0 flash might have some chance if it was flashed other than this.