Questions about Xbox 360 Hard drive
11. February 2011 @ 22:28 |
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i know that hddhacker allows you to use a WD BEVS Hard drive for use as a standard HD, but why can't a person use any type of PC External/Internal Hard drive? I know that only a laptop HD will fit inside the Xbox 360 HD casing, but what if a person doesnt want to use the casing or make their own? Why can't you convert any HD into a game saving HD for 360? please help me understand, thanks
Senior Member
12. February 2011 @ 06:23 |
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because you just cant
12. February 2011 @ 06:59 |
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would you like to give me a reason why
12. February 2011 @ 08:37 |
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Because M$ are assholes, and wont you to pay 3x as much for their's that is 1/4 of the size. But I believe it has something to do with the firmware on the wd drive you are talking about, it can be changed to make the xbox believe it is original. I guess you can compare it to spoofing a dvd drive.
13. February 2011 @ 23:03 |
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i know you can take a Western Digitial Bevs series hard drive (used on laptops) and convert it to an xbox 360 hard drive (where you can actually save games to it). I know the Bevs series will fit inside the 360 hard drive casing, but i want to know if its possible to do this with other types of hard drives outside of the Bevs series. i dont care too much about using the 360 hard drive casing.
Junior Member
14. February 2011 @ 00:39 |
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You can't unless you can find or make a program like hddhackr to work with that specific drive and a special firmware if it's even possible to do it. I would fully explain it to you but it may be way over your head.
14. February 2011 @ 18:21 |
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no im trying to learn and understand so please explain away, i'd greatly appreciate it.
15. February 2011 @ 01:22 |
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To put it simply, firmware drives the individual bits and pieces of the hard drive.
The firmware of a WD BEVS drive is different to the firmware on a WD CAVIAR for example, and is totally different from what you'd see on a Seagate.
The reason you can use a BEVS drive on a 360 (with some buggering around) is because the BEVS drive uses enough of the same physical components of the 360 drive that the firmware will still operate it, and this tricks the 360 into thinking it's a genuine drive.
You CANNOT however, load X360 firmware, on to, say, a Seagate drive - because they have completely different components and they won't talk to each other.
Xbox Hard drive speaks English
WD BEVS speaks American (same, but slightly different, but an Englishman and an American if forced to, can understand each other well enough to know exactly what they are on about)
Every single other hard drive out there however (including other WD drives) speak japanese, cantonese, italian, portugese, etc. All depends on the tiny chips on the board of the drive itself, the motor attached to the platters, etc.
Hurr Durr: Okay, so how is it that computers can use whatever drive they want??
Well, I'm glad you asked that.
The difference is, computers are designed to work with as many components as they can. Throw in a Seagate drive, and the Motherboard will talk to it as long as it uses a standard interface (IDE, SATA, whatever)
So whether it's a whitey, a blackey, chinese, whatever - it doesn't care. It will give the hard drive a home, feed it, clothe it, make friends (usually) etc.
The XBOX360 however is designed specifically to only recognise it's own hard drives. If your hard drive does not have blonde hair and blue eyes (xbox 360 firmware) it will simply want nothing to do with it.
TL;DR = BEVS drive can pretend it's a 360 drive. The others just can't. End of f***ing story.
17. February 2011 @ 10:17 |
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i definitely understand now. thank you for taking the time to explain it. last 2 things:
1. since certain hard drives can't be read on the 360 would a software program like hddhacker, only used for a different after market model other than BEVS, fix the gap in readability?
2. i took apart a standard 360 hard drive and found that the hard drive was indeed a seagate, but i'm assuming you were just using seagate for example and explanation purposes.