So I juat have a quick question, I have an Xbox with the Lite-On with 93405C FW - I did an MRA Hack on it to flash with JF. The Xbox got updated yesterday and what do you know, back-ups dont work. I would like to just reflash the console but problem is I dont have the keys or orgiginal fW. Can I just do the MRA hack to dump the keys again and then reflash? Or is there something that changed?
Originally posted by Menion: So I juat have a quick question, I have an Xbox with the Lite-On with 93405C FW - I did an MRA Hack on it to flash with JF. The Xbox got updated yesterday and what do you know, back-ups dont work. I would like to just reflash the console but problem is I dont have the keys or orgiginal fW. Can I just do the MRA hack to dump the keys again and then reflash? Or is there something that changed?
Thank you
You do NOT need to redump if you already have the keys. Simply load your OFW and LT 1.9 and reflash and you'll be back in buiness except for ap2.5 games.
Originally posted by Menion: So I juat have a quick question, I have an Xbox with the Lite-On with 93405C FW - I did an MRA Hack on it to flash with JF. The Xbox got updated yesterday and what do you know, back-ups dont work. I would like to just reflash the console but problem is I dont have the keys or orgiginal fW. Can I just do the MRA hack to dump the keys again and then reflash? Or is there something that changed?
Thank you
You do NOT need to redump if you already have the keys. Simply load your OFW and LT 1.9 and reflash and you'll be back in buiness except for ap2.5 games.
The problem is I dont have the OFW or Keys, So Im just hoping the MRA Hack still works in dumping the keys.. I dont play Online at all but what are the ap2.5 games? previous to this I have played all the COD's, Gears and Halos (But never online) would that be any different as of now?
thanks again
Originally posted by Menion: So I juat have a quick question, I have an Xbox with the Lite-On with 93405C FW - I did an MRA Hack on it to flash with JF. The Xbox got updated yesterday and what do you know, back-ups dont work. I would like to just reflash the console but problem is I dont have the keys or orgiginal fW. Can I just do the MRA hack to dump the keys again and then reflash? Or is there something that changed?
Thank you
You do NOT need to redump if you already have the keys. Simply load your OFW and LT 1.9 and reflash and you'll be back in buiness except for ap2.5 games.
The problem is I dont have the OFW or Keys, So Im just hoping the MRA Hack still works in dumping the keys.. I dont play Online at all but what are the ap2.5 games? previous to this I have played all the COD's, Gears and Halos would that be any different as of now?
thanks again
so just to understand this a bit more when i initially dumped the keys and flashed the new firmware (Thats considered an erased drive?) If M$ was able to reflash the drive to block access to back-ups there is some sort of Firmware there isnt there? And I guess I was assuming the keys were something that are uniquie to every drive and info would have to remain in order for operation.. So the 360 still works and plays all normal games Im just wondering If I just retrace my steps of dumping the keys like I first did will they not be in the same place? After all its just a modified firmware that was flashed to it. Just trying to get a better understanding of this
Originally posted by Menion: so just to understand this a bit more when i initially dumped the keys and flashed the new firmware (Thats considered an erased drive?) If M$ was able to reflash the drive to block access to back-ups there is some sort of Firmware there isnt there? And I guess I was assuming the keys were something that are uniquie to every drive and info would have to remain in order for operation.. So the 360 still works and plays all normal games Im just wondering If I just retrace my steps of dumping the keys like I first did will they not be in the same place? After all its just a modified firmware that was flashed to it. Just trying to get a better understanding of this
There would be FW there but if you cannot play RETAIL games since you replaced the drives and you said you didn't have the OFW. To put a liteon in vendor mode, you send an erase which erases the FW from the drive. Does the liteon work? Will it boot games? and is it the drive that came with that console? Hook it back up to your computer and send an outro. See if it ejects, if it does, there is FW. See if it can play a retail game. If it does, you're in luck. Redump and reflash.
yeah I appreciate the replys but im not sure if people were getting what I was saying Meaning I didnt save the keys or a copy of the dumped FW, The update just put it back the way it was when it was bought the threads didnt seem to make sence so just went ahead pulled up the solder from the first time i MRA hacked it went through the process over again and it plays back-ups again! Thanks though