I have a fat 360 with a broken Benq drive that is legit, free of hacks, mods, etc. I'm looking for the easiest way to replace the drive that carries no risk of the ban hammer from M$ so that I can continue to play on XBL. So far, I've read of two options:
Option 1: Flash the new drive with the old drive's key and install. However, I've heard that this flash could be detected by M$ once I go online and I could be flagged for a ban.
Option 2: Replace the PCB in the new drive with the one from the old. This option requires soldering, which I have no experience with, however, I have seen several videos and how-tos for this specific fix and feel confident I could do it.
Are there any other options? Any information I've presented here that isn't correct? Thanks!
Option 1: As long as you get your specific drive and flash it properly with the right dvdkey with original firmware, no problems with getting banned from live.
Option 2: Soldering is pretty easy, but what is easy for some is impossible for others. Practice on something that is already broken first.
Like BillB said, soldering is pretty easy (at least this type of job). There are only 6 or 7 wires to remove, and the Solder points are pretty big, making it super easy. Give it a shot.