i am new to this so apoligize if this is somehwere. I just flashed my liteon drive on my 360. I am now trying to make backups of my games and realise i cannot do it just through my normal dvd drive on my PC. I have read that i can either get a benq drive or get a drive and flash it with kreon.
Ive heard best is the benq. But if i get either one of the 2, what else do i need? do i need additional hardware or software?
I tried the wxripper route, but kept on getting a crc error 0.
Use an Xbox 360 drive (BenQ, Lite-On or Samsung) to rip with SSv2 files intact. You, personally, shouldn't need any other hardware, as it will connect the exact same way as when you flashed your existing 360 drive.
Use a Kreon and you'll have to patch the game with SSv2 files using abgx360 (which you'll use anyway). You need no other hardware. It goes in your PC as a normal DVD rom.
Originally posted by eebeejay: Use an Xbox 360 drive (BenQ, Lite-On or Samsung) to rip with SSv2 files intact. You, personally, shouldn't need any other hardware, as it will connect the exact same way as when you flashed your existing 360 drive.
Only if you didn't use your Xbox 360 to power the drive during flashing. Of course you can open up your 360 and switch your normal drive with your 0800 drive for every rip, but that's nothing I would suggest, in the long run you ruin your casing when doing this. If you want to use an Xbox 360 drive for ripping I'd suggest buying one of the connector kits.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.
Originally posted by eebeejay: Use an Xbox 360 drive (BenQ, Lite-On or Samsung) to rip with SSv2 files intact. You, personally, shouldn't need any other hardware, as it will connect the exact same way as when you flashed your existing 360 drive.
Only if you didn't use your Xbox 360 to power the drive during flashing. Of course you can open up your 360 and switch your normal drive with your 0800 drive for every rip, but that's nothing I would suggest, in the long run you ruin your casing when doing this. If you want to use an Xbox 360 drive for ripping I'd suggest buying one of the connector kits.
I Have opened my console a million times, still in mint condition. If you know how to open your console, you will never ruin it.
Originally posted by eebeejay: Use anXbox 360 drive (BenQ, Lite-On or Samsung) to rip with SSv2 files intact. You, personally, shouldn't need any other hardware, as it will connect the exact same way as when you flashed your existing 360 drive.
Only if you didn't use your Xbox 360 to power the drive during flashing. Of course you can open up your 360 and switch your normal drive with your 0800 drive for every rip, but that's nothing I would suggest, in the long run you ruin your casing when doing this. If you want to use an Xbox 360 drive for ripping I'd suggest buying one of the connector kits.
That's why I used "an" and "existing". I'd never suggest using the existing drive, when constant re-flashing can go wrong, and a BenQ only cost 30 bucks.
Originally posted by Modking30: I Have opened my console a million times, still in mint condition. If you know how to open your console, you will never ruin it.